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macrumors regular
Jan 11, 2004
Fayetteville, NC
I'm waiting....

Would I wait? I'm waiting for faster PMs to switch.
Despite the fact that I'm a video editor so every performance increase helps me, some of us just really want the fastest processor we can buy.
However, I still maintain that what I really want is some form of a public plan. I know that the apple business model is based on surpirse, but I really would like a clear upgrade schedule instead of guessing future releases.
Keeping that in mind: Lets say that mid February/early March Apple Releases a 2.3 or 2.5 dual G5 PM. Steve Jobs has promised a 3.0 G5 by this summer. Would you buy then or wait for the 3.0 Ghz G5?
I guess my point is that if there is to be an intermediary point between the 2.0 and the 3.0 it needs to be ASAP. Otherwise many power users will simply sit back and wait for the 3.0 processors.


macrumors member
Jan 2, 2004
Originally posted by Mac-Xpert
I think NeatGekko will stay quiet for a while, he is still chewing on his right hand. He just can't afford to lose the left one too.:D

*smiles* wait a bit, they are coming.


macrumors 603
Oct 8, 2003
Canberra OZ
Originally posted by NeatGekko
*smiles* wait a bit, they are coming.

So you have said on 5 ot 6 forums in the last hour. Well you made bold promises before with detail, now it appears your trying to drag out the release with very vague references to a future date which really doesn't help your creditability after the last claims. If you have something hard like dates or reasons for delay or G5 changes, then ante up, else its perhaps you best got back under your bridge on this issue like all good trolls.
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