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macrumors 68040
May 27, 2003
Asheville, NC
Re: Re: Re: Re: Apple's Plans

Originally posted by Wonder Boy
ri·dic·u·lous. There is no way I'd pay those prices for any of those.
I really hope they're less than that. According to an article that I read earlier, Moto is selling the 7457 chips to Apple at a much better price than they usually do (something like 25% less?). Let's hope this is reflected in the final price we pay.


macrumors 68040
Re: Apple's Plans

Originally posted by Macrumors echos some persisting rumors and fills out some details about Apple's timeline (re Powerbooks and iBooks) -- according to their source.

According to the site, Powerbooks will come in at 1.25 and 1.33GHz - in line with previous rumors, with possibily one more G4 revision before the Powerbooks get the G5.

I am just hoping for a 12'' pb as cheap as possible :) hopefully by the time i am ready to buy...


macrumors member
Jun 26, 2003
Stockholm, Sweden
what about the adapter?

Originally posted by tizza
Let's hope the new 12'' has DVI out too. There's times I'd like to use it on my desk with a larger montior so DVI would be great.
Isnt there a DVI adapter already out? Just attach it to your monitor, it's not like you're taking it with you...


macrumors regular
Feb 4, 2003
There is an adaptor ( I think it's $300 ) but your taking a VGA source ( analog ) and converting it too a DVI. Not exactly direct digital video.

I doubt we'll see DVI on an updated 12 PB, even though if it did have this, L3 cache, and a faster processor is would be a real contender for me. The main reason we will not see DVI is that there is just no room for it either externally or internally. The other reason I do not believe we will see it is that it would require a mold change for the housing. This would be costly... All the other upgrades mentioned are direct drop in components or small motherboard changes.


macrumors newbie
Jul 15, 2003
My New 1 Gz 15" Shipped

I got an email today at 205 AM that says my new Pbook 1 Ghz 15" shipped today (7/23). They must be working at all hours of the day to get these out! Yea, I can't wait now.

EDIT: It shipped from Taiwan today, but yesterday, here. :cool:

Kmac :D


macrumors 6502a
Mar 20, 2003
Originally posted by Mudbug
While this seems to make sense to me, I wonder why they didn't just do it at MWCE. Seems to me they have an established track record of "here it is" and "you can get one later" working for them already.

Unfortunately if you announce something way before it is ready, you build up demand and sales of existing products suffer. While they have a track record of doing this, they usually want to be able to start selling them shortly after the announcement. The 17" PB had production problems. If it weren't for that, they would have been in the hands of customers long before they were. If they said new iMac, PV, iBooks, etc are all coming with the 7457 processor and two months later they still haven't arrived, sales of the current products would be dismal. If you announce them and release them a month later, then sales were not hit as hard.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 20, 2003
Originally posted by Ambrose Chapel
I think that since the new iMac was originally debuted and had all those delays, all the consumer Macs have shipped immediately on announcement.

I expect they will wait until the G5s are shipping at the end of August, then announce updates to other products.

The G5 should have no bearing on the other products. When they are ready, they need to be announced and released. If that means that an iMac runs at 1.3GHz or faster and beats the current PM, then so be it. The PM is no longer the top of the line and does not need to be protected in anyway. You have students going back to school and if you release them too late, they may have already purchased their system, and it may not have been from Apple. How many people are waiting for Apple to update their line with faster processors? From what I have seen, quite a few on this site and imagine all that are not here. I know several that are waiting for the faster systems. They can afford to wait, can Apple though? Some or thinking of a peecee, if Apple had faster systems out, they would sway some to stay or switch.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 20, 2003
Originally posted by bobindashadows
Highly, highly doubted. The PowerMac G4s have all but disappeared from the site, I believe they are only there in "Server PowerMacs".... you can buy that single 1.25, but it's not advertised on the site or anything. Perhaps they'll sell a (relatively) crappy G4 for the lower price point, since the lowest you can configure a G5 is like 1650.

Here you go:


macrumors newbie
Jul 15, 2003
G4 for businesses

I would like to see something smaller for a business to use. An everyday business that just needs the CPU, not the monitor attached. When the new G5s came out, I looked at the price point and figured this would be coming. At 1999 for starters, no business can justify that thing for office work. The imac is not for businesses with monitors sitting everywhere. We buy Dells for 800 dollars that meet our requirements. I would love for Apple to the same for the business world. I think it hurts them since they don't.



macrumors 68020
Jun 18, 2003
Re: Once again....

Originally posted by capitalhood
anybody know if the 7457 is faster than the 7455 since the 7457 is on 130 nanometer?
This info has been posted before and is readily available, but ...

The 7457 has double (512k) the L2 cache compared to the 7455. Moto states that a 1.3GHz 7457 is 40% faster than a 1GHz 7455. Notice that that exceeds the pure clock increase by 10%.



macrumors newbie
Jul 20, 2003
Uh Uh

Originally posted by brig
Too late for the college crowd. I'd say 60% of us have bought our laptops. I caved in and bought a 12" (with a TON of extras such as monitor, ipod, speakers, and whatnot). All but one of my friend shave their dells. Apple missed the boat this year, hopefully next year they get it.

Not me, I'm not giving up to Dell or even titanium. I'm holding on for a 15" al p-book, so help me Apple. As a graphic design major (and total nerd) I must have something more up to date than the ti. Granted the price reductions are tempting, but the fact that they are working on several of you just means that I'm closer to a new p-book. Unfortunately, I may be heading to school computer-less for a little while. :(


macrumors newbie
Jul 23, 2003
Re: Uh Uh

Originally posted by Zuckuss
Not me, I'm not giving up to Dell or even titanium. I'm holding on for a 15" al p-book, so help me Apple. As a graphic design major (and total nerd) I must have something more up to date than the ti. Granted the price reductions are tempting, but the fact that they are working on several of you just means that I'm closer to a new p-book. Unfortunately, I may be heading to school computer-less for a little while. :(

werd... but, it's gonna be painful not to buy a TiBook tomorrow when I go to get my iPod after work... the wife has made it clear she wants her own mac, so it's like I have the perfect excuse to buy a new toy (although I'm thinking of selling the iMac for a 17" PB so my work-machine is portable too...)!!

Phil Of Mac

macrumors 68020
Dec 6, 2002
Washington State University
Re: Uh Uh

Originally posted by Zuckuss
Not me, I'm not giving up to Dell or even titanium. I'm holding on for a 15" al p-book, so help me Apple. As a graphic design major (and total nerd) I must have something more up to date than the ti. Granted the price reductions are tempting, but the fact that they are working on several of you just means that I'm closer to a new p-book. Unfortunately, I may be heading to school computer-less for a little while. :(

I'm in the same boat. Except I'm not a graphic design major.

I WILL buy the next 15" PowerBook, and if I have to wait too long for it, I WILL be angry. My refurbished iMac 400 with a bad hard drive won't last much longer!


macrumors regular
Feb 5, 2003
Originally posted by Lanbrown
The G5 should have no bearing on the other products. When they are ready, they need to be announced and released. ...

I partially disagree. Perhaps, with a relatively perfect product lineup it should have no bearing on the other products but Apple's machine lineup is, unfortunately, quite flawed. The G5 aside, all the machines are overpriced and underpowered.

The G5PM, on the other hand, although <probably> overpriced is the first Mac, in a while, that's overpowered for what most people will use them for. The G5, surrounded by an underpowered lineup, becomes a black hole--drawing in buyers, high and low who would otherwise spend more modestly. Improve the surrounding lineup and the G5 becomes less attractive. So, Apple will ride this wave for as long as they can.
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