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macrumors 6502
Original poster
The New Republic is a weekly magazine that opines on topics ranging from politics to art and literature. It is bipartisan, as it has both conservative and liberal commentators, in roughly equal number and ability. (It's editor-in-chief is in fact a Republican that voted for Kerry)

To their subscribers TNR offers the ability to download the issue as a PDF off the web.

I want to write an applescript (ideally one that I can build in xcode as an application) that does the following:

1) checks if Omniweb can log into the site (by trying to open a page that can only be reached if one has the right cookies; should the resulting page be the common one to all unauthorized accesses, the script can tell it cannot log in, and thus will quit.)

2) check that page for a list of all issues that are downloadable

3) check a local directory to see what files are already downloaded

4) download all the files that are not already in that directory

5) •ALREADY COMPLETED• rename the file from tnryyyymmdd.pdf to "The New Republic - mm-dd-yyyy"

6) create an index in Omnigraffle that shows a thumbnail of the cover, and a text listing of the table of contents (available from the site) for each issue, listing them in reverse chronological order. Clicking on the thumbnail would launch the PDF in Preview.


Any implementation suggestions? Any leads on similar programs, or sample scripts that use a lot of Omniweb or Omnigraffle's functionality?

As noted above, step 5 has been implemented already.

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