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macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 17, 2004
United Kingdom

I've decided to learn a bit more about AppleScript and am using the latest xcode to make an AppleScript application to talk to iTunes.

I have 3 text fields on a blank form, and 2 command buttons. The basic idea is that you type the user playlist name and track number in and click the first command buttons and the program queries iTunes for the name of the track.

That bit works OK. But then the second command button tells iTunes to play the aforementioned track. This is where I'm having the problem.

I have one AppleScript file - jonathan.applescript.

The first "on clicked" section - on clicked ExecuteBNT has the code to take the inputs and retrieve the track name from iTunes. Once I typed that I typed in "end clicked" and then started another "on clicked" section - on clicked btnPlay and added my code to tell iTunes to play the track, ending with an "end clicked". This is all in the same one file.

But when I Build, I get the error "The <<event soVSclil>> handler is specified more than once (-2752)".

I can tell that for some reason it doesn't like more than one "on clicked" in one file, but can anyone help me on how to fix it?

Thanks :)


macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 17, 2004
United Kingdom
Oh here is the complete code from jonathan.applescript :)

on clicked ExecuteBNT
	tell window of ExecuteBNT
		set thePlaylist to contents of text field "playlistName"
		set theTrackID to contents of text field "trackID"
	end tell
	tell application "iTunes"
		copy (get name of track theTrackID of user playlist thePlaylist) to trackName
	end tell
	tell window of ExecuteBNT
		set contents of text field "trackNameField" to trackName
	end tell
end clicked
on clicked btnPlay

	tell application "iTunes"
		play track theTrackID of user playlist thePlaylist
	end tell
end clicked

xcode puts the error next to the line "on clicked btnPlay"


macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 17, 2004
United Kingdom
I fixed it after some nosing around the sample apps and online :D
Thanks anyway :)

global thePlaylist
global theTrackID
on clicked theObject
	if name of theObject is "ExecuteBNT" then
		tell window of theObject
			set thePlaylist to contents of text field "playlistName"
			set theTrackID to contents of text field "trackID"
		end tell
		tell application "iTunes"
			copy (get name of track theTrackID of user playlist thePlaylist) to trackName
		end tell
		tell window of theObject
			set contents of text field "trackNameField" to trackName
		end tell
	else if name of theObject is "btnPlay" then
		tell application "iTunes"
			play track theTrackID of user playlist thePlaylist
		end tell
	end if
end clicked
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