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macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 28, 2010
Hello everyone.

I've been looking for a way to search for a word inside a PDF document without opening it. The Automator function "Search PDF" is broken since OS X El Capitan. When I search for a "content" word, save the automator workflow, close the file and reopen it, the search field is emptied. I doesn't save the word in the search field. So I'm looking for an AppleScript that does just that instead.
I've tried to replace this with a Finder action: "filter Finder items" or "search Finder item", but the workflow doesn't work as intended.

I't s a shame, that Apple neglects Automator this much. Record button doesn't work anymore either.

Thanks in advance for your help.

P.-S. I'm not looking to extract a PDF's content, just to search for a predefined word within and use it as a trigger for the next action.
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