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macrumors 68000
Aug 19, 2003
Denver, CO
TMA said:
Where abouts in the world is April Fools day a holiday? Because it certainly isn't here for schools or work?

Here in the states of course. . . I even got a 4 day weekend out of the deal they said since we have april 1 off, why not friday also?!


macrumors 6502a
Mar 10, 2004
North and east of Mickeyland
wPod said:
Here in the states of course. . . I even got a 4 day weekend out of the deal they said since we have april 1 off, why not friday also?!

Yeah, I got the same deal. Pretty sweet. I was getting kind of burned out at work and the extra couple of days is a welcome break indeed. God bless the U.S. of A.!!


macrumors 603
Jun 19, 2003
Chicago, IL
CmdrLaForge said:
Mac virus attacks Windows PCs

By Macworld staff

Computer security firm Compurity has issued a warning about a new virus called Maccy.C that has been described as a "Windows cleaner".

It said Maccy.C tries to disable Windows software on infected computers, replacing it with a version of Mac OS X.

Hell I'd install that virus on my system any day. I'd install that on our corp network as well. I'd put it on a CD and take it around to my friend's houses and install it. I'd set up a web page dedicated to installing it with a button click HERE to install Maccy.C
Is it really a virus if its doing something good to your computer? :cool: :p


macrumors member
Oct 16, 2003
No Fun

You should wait at least until noon or 1:00 EST before reminding people that it's April Fools Day!


Moderator emeritus
Mar 16, 2004
Andover, MA
lilscoy said:
Hey, I know this isn't a computer related April's about the Simpsons...but please someone tell me it's not true...I thought they were all good friends...

I don't quite feel like registering to read the article - what's the gist of it? All I heard is that they're holding out for more money, which is pretty much a standard Hollywood thing. I hadn't heard anything else.


macrumors newbie
Mar 23, 2004
Toronto Ont.
Now this is a good April Fools, I'ma download like a terabyte worth a stuff and then I'ma rub it in all my American friends faces, LOL

Good to be Canadian OHhhhhh yeah *Hears the Oh Yeah song playing by Yello in the background)

Sorry, someone had to make a big deal of it :D


macrumors 6502
Dec 18, 2003
The Netherlands
Jobs to Microsoft

I today got this interesting article from a respectable :rolleyes: source:

Steve Jobs quits Apple and joins Microsoft

In a surprising move Apple CEO Steve Jobs today announced that he will leave Apple and become the new CEO of Microsoft, replacing current CEO Bill gates.

Jobs: ”After years of trying to improve Apple and creating new and innovative products I’ve become a bit tired with the Macintosh community. Everyday I get dozens of e-mails and I see dozens of website’s complaining about Apple not updating it’s computer lines quickly enough. Although I promised 3 Ghz G5 Mac’s within a year last year at the “World Wide Developer Convergence” still those crazy Mac fans seem to think I can come up with them in January just because it was the Macintosh’s 20’st birthday. I just couldn’t take anymore of this crap.”

But why did you go to Microsoft?
Jobs: “At Apple I had to be constantly innovative and come up with the best possible hardware and the greatest operating system. You know, making efforts like that day in and day out really drains your mental capabilities. I’m not getting any younger and I really felt like I needed to get out of this all and get a relaxed job. Microsoft offered me exactly that. Gates: Steve recently called me and explained his situation at Apple, He said: “Your running Microsoft now for such a long time don’t you think you should retire” and I thought he that’s a great idea. You see I always looked for new ideas to Apple. When I was still fooling around with MS-DOS, Apple came up with this GUI thing. First I thought that no one was going to take it seriously, but it really took of. That’s when I decided to come up with Windows. After that I’ve been doing pretty much the same thing whenever I needed to come up with something new. So when Steve called, I though that’s great, I will make him CEO of Microsoft and I don’t have to do anything anymore and still make truckloads of money.” Jobs: “And being the CEO for Microsoft is much more relaxing that being the CEO of Apple. Now I don’t have to worry about market-share or releasing innovative new products. People simply don’t expect that from Microsoft. So whatever piece of software I bring out, everybody will buy it and think it’s great. They will just say: It’s from Microsoft so it’s from the market leader and everybody is going to use it so it must be good! I’m really looking forward to this new job. I’m now going to concentrate on “Longhorn” and put a few pieces of Mac-OS-X in it and release it somewhere around 2007 or something. Bill suggested that we should call it Windows XP 2007. I think that’s a great original name for it. And now I will at least make more that that pitiful $1,- that Apple paid me a year!”--

Hell, now we can really forget to see that 3.0 Ghz G5 anytime soon :eek::p



macrumors regular
Jan 13, 2003
Marin County (where else?)
iTunes second best

In a bold move, has signed a multi-million dollar contract to have the Beatles in their new ads. In addition, the beatles are soon going to be releasing all of their music on for $89 cents.

(still searching for the link)


macrumors newbie
Feb 25, 2002
0 real? Doubt it...

jsw said:
Yeah, I think that one's legit. Lots of Mac resellers are mad at Apple for perceived (or real) unfair practices. It's been in the news before today.

Running "whois" shows that the webiste hasn't been around very long...

Domain ID: D104167345-LROR
Created On:29-Mar-2004 17:55:17 UTC
Last Updated On:29-Mar-2004 17:55:37 UTC
Expiration Date:29-Mar-2006 17:55:17 UTC
Sponsoring Registrar:R91-LROR

I think it's a hoax personally...

[Edit] Besides, look at the website. Why on earth would they have a guestbook when Apple fans are the most passionate computer users on earth? It only incites negative comments against the website iteslf instead of Apple, which would seem rather contrary to its goal.


macrumors 68020
Feb 18, 2003
hvfsl said:
So far I have heard:

-ATI CEO stepping down
-Mac virus attacks Windows PCs
-File-sharing legal in Canada
-Happy birthday, Apple (28)
-First benches of the NV40

Now some of these could be true, but I have no idea if any are. :confused:
The ATI CEO and the file sharing story are true. The CEO of ATI is under investigation for insider trading, and the Canadian recording industry is vowing to appeal the judges decision on file sharing.


Moderator emeritus
Mar 16, 2004
Andover, MA
Yamson said:
Running "whois" shows that the webiste hasn't been around very long...

I think it's a hoax personally...

I know it's new, and I'm not sure of it myself, but the resellers' issues with Apple have been in the press over the past week or two, so it might just be a recently created legitimate site. Rotten name, if it is.


macrumors regular
Jan 6, 2003
calgary, ab canada
lilscoy said:
Is that one about file-sharing legal in Canada true? I mean there is article on Zdnet about it as well. And their article was published at 11:30 last night...a mere 30 minutes before the day of Fools...or is that part of the joke... ;)

Anyway, if it is true, that could be a pretty big story...wonder what effect it will have in the US...

yep, this one really, i mean really is true. this has been ongoing here for some time. maybe it will set an example elsewhere. the judge that ruled on it used an example (paraphrased) - it's like walking into a library and photocopying books for your use.
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