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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Nov 18, 2010
I did a bit of searching, and I figured out that if you exit AptBackup while it's restoring then it "deletes" all of your apps. For some reason, I did not do anything stupid yet all of my apps are gone (or at least it seems like they are)!

I SSHed into /private/var/mobile/Applications, and saw EVERY SINGLE APP was intact. THANK GOD, they're not deleted.
Weird thing is, even my JB apps like iLocalis are hidden.
I checked Poof; it does not recognize any of the apps.
Even the App Store, which has 43 (!) updates to do, does not recognize any apps and shows "All apps are up to date."

It is listed as "Other" in the usage meter in iTunes, instead of "Apps" so maybe that's the problem. How the heck do I fix this?

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