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macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 9, 2002
Los Angeles, CA
Ok... I really really really REALLY want the best performance out of my upgrade. I've seen some people have had no problems with the "upgrade" option, but some people seem to be experiencing some hell with that, which is fixed with the archive install.

My question is:

Does the archive install erase ANYTHING? Or is it like all of the old "archive installs" that just move the existing system folder to a "previous system folder" folder?

Also, I would like to keep all of my application prefences, as I don't want to go back and hunt for serial numbers, settings, and whatnots. If "Archive and install" doesn't delete anything, I'd go that route, ONLY if it's easy for me to move my old application preferences into the new preferences folder (the way i used to do things in Pre-X days).

Just wondering... I can't wait to install it tonight!!! :D


macrumors 68020
Oct 28, 2001
Greensboro, NC
archive install just tries to keep everything in tact. anything it can't keep in the same place goes into /Previous Systems . its my install option of choice


macrumors member
Aug 12, 2003
SF Bay Area
Didn't delete anything

The most intusive aspect is having to redecide to allow the keychain access to apps (like Safari). No preference redos or anything.

It's smooth!
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