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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 21, 2021
Hey all,

I have 2nd gen airpods but I have always been a fan of overear headphones. I am kinda unimpressed with the airpods 2nd gen sound quality and want to upgrade. I have some tax return money and saw the Airpods Max are on amazon for $450... it is really tempting but I have never spent that much on headphones in my life. I also don't want to buy them and then new ones come out 3 months later as they are approaching two years old. Any advice?


macrumors 68020
Oct 13, 2021
Supposedly IF new one’s come out they probably wouldn’t improve it enough to facilitate regret if you bought the old ones. Maybe they get rid or modify the crown, better connectivity, possible battery/case improvements but I couldn’t see much else. As far as the sound signature I would expect it to be the same or similar since it’s adaptive EQ and they can push OTA updates regardless.

Go ahead and buy them or wait to see what the new ones have and if it’s not a must buy then the old ones will be even cheaper. If you want to go wired instead take a look at the Sennheiser HD lineup.


macrumors 6502
Jul 15, 2018
No one knows when or if an APM2 might be released. I've not seen any rumors. After much internal debate I recently purchased the APM $450. Three features made the APMs much more attractive to me than the usual competitors. One is the really excellent transparency mode. Everyone compares noise cancellation, but I often need to hear my environment and the APMs win transparency mode mode in a landslide. That alone made me feel I wouldn't use other headphones as much because I simply need to hear my environment and if I can't... The second feature that made the APMs especially attractive to me is integration into the Apple ecosystem. I have an iMac, iPad, iphone, and Apple TV. While automatic switching doesn't always work seamlessly. If you plan to only use the headphones with 1 or two devices, then auto switching is not a big deal. The 3rd is spatial audio. My limited use of spatial audio with music has given me mixed feelings; some music seems really enhanced using spatial audio, some sound a bit disconnected (just sort of that sounds seem to be coming from places you wouldn't expect them to come from. BUT, I use headphones a lot watching movies and shows on my iPad and Apple TV. Spatial audio might not match sitting in a theater or having a dedicated surround sound system, but IMO, it really enhances the experience. It just makes watching movies more fun. If you don't care about spatial audio, transparency mode, and if integration into the Apple ecosystem is not important to you, then the relative value of the APMs is much diminished, IMO. But I knew I'd miss those features if I bought a competitor. I also think they just sound better than the Sony or Bose models I demoed. I'm not an audiophile. And I'm getting older and my hearing, especially in the higher frequencies, is definitely not what it once was. I also think demoing at a store is somewhat unfair since you basically hear them with whatever (most likely the default) settings. A little EQ adjustment can really be transformative. I also think how things sound is pretty subjective. With those caveats, I simply thought the APMs sounded better. I thought the XM4s lacked clarity; the mid and upper base just seemed to make them sound kind of dull. Now my hearing could be contributing to that perception, and some EQ adjustments might change that opinion. But I was just not very impressed with the XM4s in terms of sound. I liked the sound of the Bose 700s better than the XM4s, but thought they sounded somewhat "clinical" in comparison to the APMs. Again, some minor EQ adjustments might change that assessment. I didn't try other options like Sennheiser, B&0, etc. Most of the APM flaws of the APMs have been well documented. They just aren't deal breakers for me.
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macrumors 65832
May 27, 2006
There is no indication that Apple is working on a 2nd gen AirPods Max. If you look at AirPods and AirPods Pro, the release cycles are pretty long. Couple that with the likelihood that the Max do not sell in high numbers and the rumor that they are working on new colors, I think it likely there will not be a 2nd gen anytime soon, if ever.

If you are in the Apple ecosystem (iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple TV), you will use them on all of those devices, you want ANC and/or Transparency Mode, and you understand you are paying for convenience, not sound quality, then yes they are worth it. I really like mine for what they are. Comfortable, decent sounding (best sound from ANC headphone but that's a very low bar), wireless headphones that I can use on both my MacBook Pros, my iPad, iPhone, or any Apple TV in the house with minimal fuss. I also have a pair of Sennheiser HD650's and HIFIMann Arya's with a Schiit Asgard 3 that completely blow the doors off the AirPods Max for sound quality.


macrumors regular
Mar 30, 2022
East Bay, CA
My wife took my airpod pros so I ended up buying the airpod max earlier this year. I also got them for around 450 on amazon. I think they sound good and use them during final cut pro x editing as well.


macrumors newbie
Apr 7, 2022
They are great for wireless headphones. If you don't mind a wire, there are plenty of better bang for the buck cans.

2009 mac user

macrumors member
Feb 15, 2022
I faced this same dilemma. I had the Beats Studio and hated them, so wanted to find a better option. I ended up going to best buy, trying the Airpods Max, the Sony XM whatevers and the Bose qc and 700. To my ears, the Bose qc sounded better than all the rest (and where more comfortable). Later that week, my friend let me borrow his qc 15 and pretty new qc 35ii headphones. In the end, I actually preferred the sound on the qc 15 headphones from 2009, even though the noise canceling wasn't quite as good (nearly though). So, I bought a pair on ebay for $50, got a bluetooth adapter:,aps,124&sr=8-6 , and was all set. I love these headphones. So, this is just me, but I would look into getting either the Bose qc 15 (with a bluetooth adapter) or qc 35ii headphones granted you can live without apple design and pairing technology. Then, you can use the extra money you saved to buy the new Airpods pro in the fall! But whatever you do, don't get the Beats Studio, worst pair of headphones I ever had (Yes, even worse than the $30 no-name headphones I had when I was younger).

2009 mac user

macrumors member
Feb 15, 2022
Or just get the current Airpods Pro, I use them for hours each day, have dropped them in water, and they still work and sound amazing! The noise cancelation even blocks out airplane noise, granted you are listening to something.


macrumors 68020
Oct 13, 2021
Or just get the current Airpods Pro, I use them for hours each day, have dropped them in water, and they still work and sound amazing! The noise cancelation even blocks out airplane noise, granted you are listening to something.
I tried to like the Pro’s but for some reason they always fell out regardless of tip and the silicone made the inside of my ears itch after awhile which has never happened before. The Beats Fit Pro tips don’t do this and I prefer the wing tips if I’m outside plus it has everything the Pro’s have minus wireless charging.

One thing I do miss about the Pro’s is the tips have built-in mesh screens to prevent wax getting into the driver’s.


macrumors 68020
Oct 27, 2021
Lancashire UK
Depending on your viewpoint they weren't even worth it at launch. For the same price or less you can get headphones with better sound, better comfort, better battery. But not all in one product. And that's what Apple does well: the overall experience is often unmatched. So I personally don't think their value is worse than it was on day one.

2009 mac user

macrumors member
Feb 15, 2022
I tried to like the Pro’s but for some reason they always fell out regardless of tip and the silicone made the inside of my ears itch after awhile which has never happened before. The Beats Fit Pro tips don’t do this and I prefer the wing tips if I’m outside plus it has everything the Pro’s have minus wireless charging.

One thing I do miss about the Pro’s is the tips have built-in mesh screens to prevent wax getting into the driver’s.
I have on occasion experienced the itchy ears and end up with minor ear infections about 3 times a year ever since I got the Airpods Pro. Its not enough to make me stop using them though.


macrumors regular
May 12, 2022
I know there's some discourse on here about the morality of apple returns, but I just tried them from apple to see if I thought they were worth it/comfortable & then returned them for the $100 off on amazon.

personally I'm pleased with my purchase/the price - I was researching like you to see if something newer was going to come out next week but it really seems like if anything does come out soon it'll just be new colors. The sound quality is imo better than my bose & I paid for the convenience of my other airpods; the pausing your music when you take one out or slide these down, automatically switching from my imac to my ipad to my phone when I need it, not struggling with my bose disconnecting one device to connect another that still won't pop up in apple music until I restart it. not having an on/off button is actually a plus for me. my only grievance is the case really does suck but I keep my over the ear headphones on my desk anyway, and I found a cute travel case on amazon. I think if you're going from never having had nice headphones & have the $ to spare understanding you are paying a premium for the apple ecosystem ease you'll be pretty happy, but if you care less about that or using a wire, there are cheaper options that you'll like


macrumors 65816
Oct 14, 2020
I have on occasion experienced the itchy ears and end up with minor ear infections about 3 times a year ever since I got the Airpods Pro. Its not enough to make me stop using them though.
Is there any prevention for the same?


macrumors G5
Apr 8, 2013
Only reason to wait is if you don’t like any of the colours that are available now. The rumours are that they are getting new colour options. That’s all. Luckily for me they had pink so I don’t know what other colour they could release that i would like better.
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macrumors G5
Apr 8, 2013
Also nobody should be paying full retail when you can get them for up to $100/£100 less at Amazon. Apparently Best Buy will price match Amazon.
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