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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 11, 2014
Hi, I am a loyal iPhone and Apple user for years. Actually I’ve had every iPhone since the first one launched. I pre ordered the XS Max even when the phone was really similar to my old X because I love phones with bigger screens. I still haven’t tried mine as I received it a couple days ago and haven’t had time to open it yet. But reading several topics on this forum I have a couple doubts regarding the phone.

How true is it that even some of Apple apps are not optimized for the XS Max? I love small sized text and having as much information as possible on the screen, the reason why I loved my Plus phones was that it made use of the extra space. I understand for developers it might take some time to update, but for me it would be unacceptable if Apple only zooms the apps to fit on the Max, for me at least it defeats the whole purpose of having the Max. And if Apple does this in stock apps, I see no reason for developers to do otherwise.

So could someone clarify this for me? If this is the case the Max will only offer a zoomed version of the X I most apps, then I might just resell my phone.

Thanks for your inputs
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