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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 4, 2017

I have always loved the old classic UI of the Apple platform. I truly, truly hate the sudden loss of skeuomorphism in the UI that has been caused by Mr. Ive. I am sure he wouldn't have done this as long as Mr. Jobs was around. While I understand that many people wanted the change, I also know that many did not want the change. I wish Apple had allowed its customers the choice.

It now looks like Apple is trying to be like everyone else, with jarring colors and a flat interface that is not easy on the eyes.

I have thus far attempted to keep my old version of OS X 10.8.5 on my late 2013 MacBook Air. I also have a second generation iPad that still runs (somewhat sluggishly). And I also have several newer devices (Mac, iPhones, iPads running the latest software) which are great, except for the UI.

Can I update the OS on this Mac, so it will become more useful for me? I cannot run many new apps on it at all, including, now, Skype. My question is: is there a "skin" -like application that can take care of the skeuomorphism visually, and still let me run the latest version?

There are (of course, they need to copy us!) several Mac-like visual skins for Microsoft platforms...

Alternatively, is it possible to keep an older version of the OS on an external HD so I can occasionally see the visual beauty, and yet still have a newer, faster, more secure and useful version on the computer. This is becoming like a time-capsule Mac, and even though I dearly love the UI, I don't like the waste of resources that this implies. Could you please guide me here?

I am probably asking for the moon, but I don't want to compromise -- I'd like both looks and brains in the same person/machine. I fell in love with the inner beauty and the outer beauty, and now, when I am so deeply committed, you are forcing me to choose between them. Can a hopeless romantic try to also be a pragmatist? This issue is driving me towards an existential crisis! And that also explains my username!

Help! Thanks a lot!
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macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
"Are any old mac OS version UI skins etc available?"

The answer:
No. Not for the more recent versions of the OS.

that is all...
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