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Amazon Rainforest

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 6, 2022
Hi. I was considering buying a backup power source for my MBP, Apple TV, NAS and other pieces of equipment that I use in my apartment. In the off chance of a power failure. I was specifically looking at the BLUETTI AC180 Solar Portable Power Station. It has a built-in UPS function with a 20ms switchover time. I know 20ms is a little slow for electronics (5-8ms is ideal) but it could work.

Before ordering one, I read the owner's manual and it specifically stated, "Not for use in a residential environment." The manual went so far as to warn that the customer takes sole responsibility for any disruptions/damage to outside systems. That's a little scary and put me off ordering one. I assumed it--along with all the other similar boxes--leaks some amount of RFI. I contacted BLUETTI and they told me that their power stations were perfectly all right to use in a residential setting. They also kept encouraging me to buy one. At this point, I don't know what to believe. I can't tell from the outside what kind of shielding the AC180 has. The case is plastic.

I have no desire to annoy my neighbors by knocking out their wireless communications (or my own). Does anyone have any knowledge/experience using one of these outdoor power stations inside a home? Is it safe? Recommended? Etc...


macrumors 6502
Sep 27, 2014
I've been using a Jackery 240 for the past few years and it's been beyond amazing and it's totally fine to use indoors. I take it camping with me and I use it around the house for various electronic needs.

I'm not sure why the particular one youre looking at would have a disclaimer about it not being used in a residence when in reality, that's 50% of the reason they exist in the first place. For example, if you look around on the Jackery website, they have countless examples of how and when you can use one of their products indoors (power outages being a big one) so it makes no sense that BLUETTI would say "Dont use indoors".

The only thing I can think of is that the one youre looking at doesnt have enough wattage/voltage/amperage to properly power house hold electronics but still, it should be plenty powerful enough to power a computer, hence use in doors.

Maybe look at a different company?
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