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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Oct 28, 2006
Chicago, IL
IOS 17.3.1

Open Home, New automation, People Leave, When - The Last Person Leaves, Location says "Home". If i select home, I see Home with a check mark, and my house on the map. I click Done and get a message saying "People will be removed from automation. Choosing a location other than "My Home" will remove the other people from this automation" Cancel/Continue.

What is this? I have never recalled seeing this popup before. If I type in "My Home" nothing comes up in the search bar, even though that is what i named my home in HomeKit.



Nov 8, 2017
New York
Just checked it out…

If you leave the automation as your home location and you click continue, nothing will change. If you select a different address, it removes everyone else but you from the automation.

The reason is probably because it then becomes more of a personal automation, since it’s not home. It’s for privacy and security reasons, I’m sure. Allowing this will go against Apple’s whole privacy pledge. For example, take a husband and battered wife scenario. Letting the husband set an automation to turn on a light when the battered wife leaves work, so that he will know when she left work. What of the battered wife doesn’t want him to know?

As far as the “My Home” goes, I don’t think it uses the name of your home but more just the word Home since it uses your contact card, I believe or what you set as home in Maps.
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