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macrumors 65816
Jul 5, 2007
Kauai, HI
Exactly. I've been using a Pebble for over a year. The first time I paid for my order at Starbucks with it, the barista said, "You're like a cyborg." Since then, I've heard things like, "You're from the future," or "Is this a scam?" or "Is that an Apple Watch?"


Same here. I think I've mastered how to discretely glance at my Pebble to get notifications in an unobtrusive manner. I don't see how the AW will be different in that regard.

NOW I find out the Pebble had a Starbucks app? I assume it just brought up the barcode. I would have used that feature. It is a pain juggling a 6+ with my coffee lid. Looking forward to freeing a hand at Starbucks with my Apple Watch. With the Watch I assume I just need to bring up Passbook and swipe to the cards.


macrumors G4
Sep 15, 2011
Vilano Beach, FL
Seriously, why are you?

But just curious, do you think your clients have such low self-esteem they would be intimidated by the sight of your apple watch? If they're your friends, they might rib you for a minute, but they'll quickly move on to something else. Your wrist is not that important. Finally, you really think a date would consider the watch when deciding whether or not to go out with you again?

To each his/her own I guess.

Funny enough, on recent trips to SF and LA, we were talking tech with some major players in the digital/VR/entertainment space, the Apple watch came up, everyone at the table was excited, and talked about wearing one vs. their <high_dollar_traditional_watch>.

I'll wear mine in front of any client, person, pretty much anywhere I want. :)

It's a watch with enhanced uses. Why would anyone be embarassed? There are already loads of DB's who hang around the gym and have phone conversations on their BT headset instead of working out.

Who cares if you talk to your watch when it can actually answer. It's not a 6 ft white rabbit.


No, I won't be embarrassed at all. I certainly won't be concerned about anyone who would judge me by a piece of consumer electronics Im wearing ...


macrumors 68020
Jul 8, 2008
NOW I find out the Pebble had a Starbucks app? I assume it just brought up the barcode. I would have used that feature. It is a pain juggling a 6+ with my coffee lid. Looking forward to freeing a hand at Starbucks with my Apple Watch. With the Watch I assume I just need to bring up Passbook and swipe to the cards.

The one I used to use showed the barcode as well as earned stars and free drinks. But then Starbucks changed something about the login process and it stopped working. There is another one now that only shows the barcode and your card number.

Another advantage to :apple: Watch: More support from companies directly, versus 3rd party hack apps that aren't guaranteed to work for any length of time.


macrumors 65816
Mar 4, 2009
Can't wait to use it for Apple Pay. I'm still getting several cashiers shocked when I do it with my phone. I think they will be even more surprised when I do it with my watch. :) I don't think most non-techno geeks know what it is.


macrumors 6502
Jun 7, 2007
Can't wait to use it for Apple Pay. I'm still getting several cashiers shocked when I do it with my phone. I think they will be even more surprised when I do it with my watch. :) I don't think most non-techno geeks know what it is.

One of the first things I'm doing tomorrow (after my :apple:WATCH class) is going to Whole Paycheck and pay for a snack with it.


macrumors 65816
Jul 5, 2007
Kauai, HI
The one I used to use showed the barcode as well as earned stars and free drinks. But then Starbucks changed something about the login process and it stopped working. There is another one now that only shows the barcode and your card number.

Another advantage to :apple: Watch: More support from companies directly, versus 3rd party hack apps that aren't guaranteed to work for any length of time.

The funny thing is that I will soon no longer work right by a Starbucks. I only used them because they were convenient. Does anyone know if I can use the same Starbucks membership at the ones in Europe? Although I hope to skip them and go to nice little cafe's instead.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 7, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
I plan on finding a large crowd and drawing attention to myself and saying "Siri remind me in 1 hour that I am having tee with the royals. Oh and I remind to laugh about all these minions"

But seriously, I worked my butt off to afford it so I am wearing it proudly. I too have been using a Pebble since launch day and no has ever paid attention to it until the Apple Watch and now everyone asks me if that's what it is. I've had fun with it and cover it up and say I can't talk about it. :cool:


macrumors 6502a
Jun 14, 2009
I won't wear my apple watch when
1. I'm meeting important clients (most of them wear Rolex)
2. Out with friends ( who already think I'm a nerd but I hide it well )
3. Going out on dates

Come to think of it why am I buying an apple watch !!

Ooooooooo. Rolex.

I have a Rolex, and I promise you I'm not that important. Important people wear watches you've never heard of.

I will wear Apple watch everywhere but the beach. That's where the Panerai comes in.

(watch name dropping. mic drop.)


macrumors 604
Oct 23, 2010
Seriously, why are you?

But just curious, do you think your clients have such low self-esteem they would be intimidated by the sight of your apple watch? If they're your friends, they might rib you for a minute, but they'll quickly move on to something else. Your wrist is not that important. Finally, you really think a date would consider the watch when deciding whether or not to go out with you again?

To each his/her own I guess.

Maybe they have nothing else to offer someone other than material things.


Sep 11, 2014
Right. At least it wont look like you're just talking to yourself.

Talking into a watch may be a new gesture, but at least people will know what you're doing.

Now if you were talking in your watch, and no one said anything back...

then I'd be a little worried.
shhh...I've been talking into my Citizen Eco-Drive! There's this little pixie...oops, I wasn't supposed to tell you about her! Never mind.


macrumors member
Jul 30, 2010
I was feeling more self conscious when I kept saying "hey,Siri!" a number of times to my wrist.


macrumors member
Apr 10, 2015
Not embarrassed at all. If my pebble didn't embarrass me, nothing will!!
Though I will not be talking into my phone in public. I can't think of a public situation where I would prefer to talk to my watch instead of my phone.


I suppose there was one thing that was a little embarrassing about the pebble... When people inquired about it, they almost always said "cool... does it have a touch screen?" I would have to tuck my tail between my legs, bow my head and whisper "no..." :D


macrumors 65816
Dec 8, 2008
Naw, it's all good.



macrumors 68000
Apr 10, 2015
Sydney, Australia
Alright, to prevent any awkward encounters we need t-shirts. T-shirts that say something like "I am not embarrassed about the Apple Watch on my wrist, and no, I will not show it to you" :D


macrumors member
Apr 20, 2015
I was looking at some Watch apps earlier on and I started thinking I would feel embarrassed using the watch in public, i.e. interacting with it: touching the screen, talking into it, and so on.

I'm reminded of the Sinclair C5 electric car. It was going to change the world. Nobody bought them because people felt ridiculous in them.

We're all buying Apple Watches of course but I wonder how we'll use them in practice.


Not even a little bit


macrumors 65816
Apr 2, 2010
Just paid for Starbucks with my watch. barista was too busy to do anything but hold the scanner. No one in line noticed because they were looking at their phones. Very smooth process.
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