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Ben Kei

macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 30, 2002
London UK
Hello all,

I've not used Logic since version 9. I was a user from 4 right through to 9 and the basic workflow didn't change much along the way.

So I have just got Logic Pro 10.6.1 or whatever the most up to date version is and I can't figure out if I can use it across 2 screens! I always like to have mixer on 1 screen and arrange on another. It seems to be all compartmentalised in 1 main screen with no way to detach the mixer to display on a second screen.

Hopefully I'm just missing something here? But the Window menu and View menus don't offer any way to do it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Ben Kei

macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 30, 2002
London UK
Don't worry, I've figured it out.

By default the install uses a limited tool set, I guess to make it familiar to Garage Band users? Enabling advanced tools gives you un-docked windows
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