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macrumors G4
Original poster
I'm a little confused with what our closing date is supposed to be so I'm hoping that I can sneak this in under the wire if it was supposed to be two days ago or early if it's next Wednesday - in which case, I may withdraw this.

Anyhow, I love the escalators in this store although unfortunately, people seemed to stop getting on them when I was taking this picture - at least, not laden with shopping which was the idea of the holiday preparation aspect.
Also sadly, I couldn't use my camera since stores here generally disapprove unless you're in the camera department, so it's taken on my mobile...:(


  • PJ-xmas.jpg
    134.3 KB · Views: 223


macrumors 6502a
Mar 19, 2005
Perth, Oztrailya
Applespider said:
It's a Sony Ericsson k750i. It's a 2 megapixel camera on it so that helps I guess! And it's a very bright store! ;)

Ho hum. I need to get out snapping a bit more. Couple of years ago I'd take mycamera almost everywhere, but ddly enough since I got my Mac, photography as a hobby has taken a down-turn :rolleyes:

6ft projection widescreen TV,5G 60GB iPod, Quad G5 tricked out, Triple interface 500GB LaCie drive, 2 30" Apple displays and an iPod Nano in a Bose SoundDock
Is that a home setup? :eek: We need an "envy" emoticon :D


macrumors 68030
Jul 17, 2001
NJ Highlands, Earth
dops7107 said:
Nice photo! I like the contrasting forms and directions.

I like the form too, although I found the escalator landings on the left side a bit "cluttery" and distracting (to me). Cropping the image would remove the balls on the left ... undesirable ... so I'd have to speculatively wonder what the result would have been if you could have positioned yourself a bit to your left so as to change the angle to then remove the (distracting to me) landings and have the balls, ribbons and people-filled escelator diagonal.


PS: FWIW, I don't really mind the "black hole" in the bottom right corner. Probably because I'd prefer for you to not risk fall over the railing :D


macrumors G4
Original poster
-hh said:
so I'd have to speculatively wonder what the result would have been if you could have positioned yourself a bit to your left so as to change the angle to then remove the (distracting to me) landings and have the balls, ribbons and people-filled escelator diagonal.

Hmm, may well be in the store again and might try from the other side of the 'well' that the escalators front. It's one of these annoying things where it's tough to frame with just the phone (and a large bag of shopping!) without looking really conspicuous! From what I recall, it meant that the balls ended up having all the focus though and the escalators became mere blurs in the background...

PS: FWIW, I don't really mind the "black hole" in the bottom right corner. Probably because I'd prefer for you to not risk fall over the railing :D too! Although it's the fabric department below so it might have been a reasonably soft landing! I suspect it crept it since the screen doesn't show exactly what you end up with...


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
Geez, that's a mobile phone photo? Dayam, and here I was telling people that I felt that the K750 and other mobile phone cameras wouldn't take a decent photo at 2MP or greater unless they started using a "real lens" in mobile cameras.

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