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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 12, 2006
Montreal, Canada
Does anybony know if it is possible to switch a stock ATA drive that comes with the Ibook or powerbook for a serial (SATA) hard drive? Is it technically possible? I'm looking at the new Seagate Momentus 7200.1 100gb 7200 rpm model. It comes both as ATA and SATA.
As I know the thruput of SATA is alot faster, I was wondering if its possible to use it internally with current notebooks.
BTW, I've used a Hitachi Travelstar 7k60 in my powerbook 1.33 and it rocks! Serious difference, recommended to all...

Thanks in advance.:)


macrumors regular
Jul 10, 2004
I'm afraid not. reasons:

1. there's not enough room inside the machine for you to insert another chip, otherwise Apple will make the machine smaller.

2. to replace current connector inside? I think that maybe related to the main board, which means that you won't have anything to do with it, without changing the main board.
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