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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Mar 21, 2010
So the ATT ipad has LTE/HSPA chips built in, and as we all know, we get an att phone number for the data only line. I'm curious as to since the ipad has those chips, is it technically capable of connecting to the phone networks and do actual voice calls hardware wise? I know software wise, Apple doesn't have a native phone app for iPad, but my focus is only on the hardware.

With iOS 8 continuity, I know there's some forwarding stuff, but I really wish I could have all calls to my cell routed to both my cell and iPad, so that I can just answer on whichever device I have handy and not have to worry about the devices both being on the same wifi network. Even better, if I break my iPhone, it'd be sweet if my ipad could stand in as a cell phone in the meantime.


macrumors P6
Jan 24, 2010
Yes, with the proper software a cellular iPad can do everything an iPhone can do, cellular-wise. Years ago, there was a port of the phone app to the iPad 1. It worked well, but was clunky to use.
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