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macrumors regular
Original poster
May 9, 2002

In a recent internal company communication, ATT Wireless has informed their sales associates that iPhone purchasers will be required to also buy an iPhone accessory. Purchasers will not be able to leave the store with unaccessorized iPhones. In that case, ATT will ship the phone for arrival within 3 - 5 business days.

The only accessories rumored to be available on launch date, June 29th, are a car charger and a case. iPhone accessories are in short supply due to the secrecy surrounding the iPhone and the launch date.

In recent interviews in the Wall Street Journal and USA Today, Steve Jobs has said that he wants every customer to have an equal chance of purchasing the device when it goes on sale at 6p Friday. Apple has not announced they will require purchasers to buy accessories from their stores.

Such a move by ATT could be seen as usury, taking advantage of the iPhone frenzy to pad their bottom line. ATT was not available for comment.

I have no idea how accurate this is - haven't seen this anywhere else. Sounds fishy to me, but if true would be very nasty on AT&T's part.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 23, 2005
We seem to have seen all internal communication to At&T employees over the last few days and this hasn't come up anywhere. Looks like a slur campaign.


macrumors regular
Jun 26, 2007
In the document leaked yesterday it is very clear that they need to push accessories. But nowhere does it say anything about being required to buy an iAccessory. AT&T needs the accessories to sell well, and they know it, it's the same reason they're going to start selling iTunes Gift Cards. They want as much of a piece of the pie as they can get...but they can't force you to buy an accessory to go with your brand new $600 phone.


macrumors regular
Original poster
May 9, 2002
Glad everyone thinks the same thing, that this is just silly.

I want to review the case options a while before buying anything - several already announced, and I'm sure more are coming. And at last count I had three iPod car chargers.


macrumors 68030
May 24, 2007
"when it goes on sale at 6p Friday".

well that is a huge price reduction. 6p is really cheap. and selling it in british currency to make me feel at home. how thoughtful.


macrumors 6502
Apr 27, 2007
No it's not required, No one can force you to buy anything. But, wouldn't you want your $600 Investment protected with the cool cases that are available? I "heard" that all APPLE :apple: branded accessories have a 14 Day Return policy and 10% restocking fee if opened and returned.


Jul 1, 2002
Portland, OR
They made me do it

I bought my 8GB iPhone today at the AT&T store in Manhattan Beach CA and they made me buy a junky car charger and junky protector. I told them I had no disire to purchase them, and they said that they were only selling iPhone "bundles" that included the other junk. They said ni iPhone would leave the store without it's added on junk ($69).

It does appear that you can take the junk back within 14 days if it's not opened.



macrumors 6502
Feb 1, 2007
I got mine at an AT&T store succesfully with no accesories. They did try to make me buy stuff but I just said I would be waiting for reviews before buying those at least.

Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia
Hey folks, it is Retail 101....

Given the blood deal that AT&T made with Apple, it is in their best interests to suggest add-ons. I would find it hard to believe that a AT&T corportate store would require the purchase of add-ons. Franchises are free to set what ever policy they feel is fit for them.
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