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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 22, 2019
This is a cautionary tale.

2019 iMac, i9, Mojave 10.14. Running Logic Pro X. Attempted to install USB audio interface, which had been working well on previous iMac. Downloaded latest version of driver and restart to install. Boot up bar would display, but only advance 60% or so and stop. Restarting multiple times had same result. Mac would not boot up whatsoever. Subsequently found short note on website of interface manufacturer stating “a small number of reports” of this behavior had been reported, and they are addressing that with Apple. I don’t know what a “small number “ is, but if you’re included in that, it may as well be 100%. So my one week old iMac was effectively dead.

Called AppleCare. Many efforts to boot into recovery mode, as instructed, failed. Also no success booting into safe mode. AppleCare rep was then making arrangements for me to bring the Mac back to the Apple Store. Not an easy thing for me to do. Half an hour later, I decided to call back AppleCare. A different tech had me repeatedly try to boot into recovery mode again. After many attempts with same failure to boot up, it suddenly did. I was then able to access TimeMachine on an external disc while in recovery mode, and restore the Mac to the previous date.

Thankfully, all is well with the Mac now. But I have no means of recording audio. I am searching and considering options for new interface, but communicating with tech support for each of these requesting some assurance of compatibility before I buy anything.


macrumors G4
Jul 16, 2010
ny somewhere
it's a little tricky, but if i plug the keyboard into my new imac, and then turn off bluetooth, then reboot... i can then get into recovery; did this twice, works.

also, make sure the microphone is allowed access to logic in system preferences>security & privacy>microphone. very important in mojave...

which audio interface are you talking about? am running LPX on my new imac, and all is well (very well, in fact)...


macrumors 6502a
Jun 23, 2007
I use a Focusrite Scarlett with my 2017 iMac and Logic Pro X. Never had a problem. I'd be reluctant to continue to use a product from a manufacturer that causes such a major software incompatibility. (I hope it's not Focusrite.)


macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009

Tell us WHICH interface you have.
Also tell us WHICH version of Mojave you're using.

When Mojave first came out, there were a lot of problems with USB audio interfaces (of different manufacture).

10.14.4 seems to have cleaned a lot of that up.

If your interface requires drivers or other software, it's possible that some of it may not yet work with the version of Mojave that you have.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 22, 2019
Yes, of course. I was hesitant to name the manufacturer, especially inasmuch as I have used their interfaces almost exclusively over several years with good success. The interface that I had been using with my previous iMac, also without any issue was a Focusrite Scarlett i818. Attempting to install this one caused the problem described above. Mine is several years old, and if I understand correctly, is gen 1. I believe there is a gen 2 now. Although I updated the driver in the course of my attempted installation to the latest one on the Focusrite web site, I believe the newer gen 2 version of this interface would use entirely different software. So obviously I cannot speak to that. I guess I would suggest caution and communicate with tech support before installation of any manufacturer’s software. (This sounds to me, now, like a good practice with any device that requires drivers.)


macrumors G4
Jul 16, 2010
ny somewhere
Yes, of course. I was hesitant to name the manufacturer, especially inasmuch as I have used their interfaces almost exclusively over several years with good success. The interface that I had been using with my previous iMac, also without any issue was a Focusrite Scarlett i818. Attempting to install this one caused the problem described above. Mine is several years old, and if I understand correctly, is gen 1. I believe there is a gen 2 now. Although I updated the driver in the course of my attempted installation to the latest one on the Focusrite web site, I believe the newer gen 2 version of this interface would use entirely different software. So obviously I cannot speak to that. I guess I would suggest caution and communicate with tech support before installation of any manufacturer’s software. (This sounds to me, now, like a good practice with any device that requires drivers.)

did you read my post above? one of my collabs uses the 2i2, and she's fine (mojave, new mac)...

Tell us WHICH interface you have.
Also tell us WHICH version of Mojave you're using.

When Mojave first came out, there were a lot of problems with USB audio interfaces (of different manufacture).

10.14.4 seems to have cleaned a lot of that up.

If your interface requires drivers or other software, it's possible that some of it may not yet work with the version of Mojave that you have.

actually, when mojave came out, people (mostly) just needed to give the microphone access to get usb interfaces to work)....


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 22, 2019
I had in fact allowed access, and took steps recommended for Mojave prior to beginning that installation process. Focusrite web site suggests that the issue lies elsewhere, and they are looking at it with Apple. Again, I note that my interface is 1st generation and I think the driver for that generation is updated only to a certain point.
[doublepost=1556121998][/doublepost]As follow-on to this thread, I’d like to ask for specific recommendations for an audio interface that others are using successfully, specifically with set-up similar or identical to mine currently.

2019 iMac, i9 processor, Mojave 10.14.4.

Considering options.



macrumors 603
Aug 6, 2007
I use TB3 interface but it will be more expensive. that said, I would think prices should be coming down. in any case as Fisher said above, they were supposed to have fixed that usb audio interface issue with 10.14.4.
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