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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 3, 2011
Hi folks,

I regularly edit pics using Gimp, but it drives me crazy when I have to right-click Open With Gimp every time.

The default is Preview for images which is what I prefer as I use that too, hence having to Open With.

I've looked into Automater thinking that this might help but I can't seem to make it happen.

What I"m looking for is an ability that allows me to:

1. Select a file
2. Cmd-<letter> (which automatically opens the file with Gimp)

Any suggestions?
Many thanks,
Mark :)

View attachment 801424


macrumors G4
Sep 6, 2002
I'd suggest one of three ways, depending upon what you want:

If you want a keyboard shortcut: Make yourself a small Automator quick action to open the selected Finder items in Gimp. That quick action will appear in the Services menu. If you want a keyboard shortcut for it, set one in System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts.

If you want a Finder toolbar button: Use Automator to make a small AppleScript app that opens the selected Finder items in Gimp. Save the app somewhere in your Home folder and command-option drag it into your Finder toolbar for single click availability.

If you aren't comfortable with Automator and are happy dragging files onto a toolbar icon, just drag the Gimp app into your Finder toolbar. Then drag files onto it to open them in Gimp.

For reference, see:
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 3, 2011
I'd suggest one of three ways, depending upon what you want:

If you want a keyboard shortcut: Make yourself a small Automator quick action to ope the selected Finder items in Gimp. That quick action will appear in the Services menu. If you want a keyboard shortcut for it, set one in System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts.

Outstanding response! Thanks so much.

It took me ages but I finally figured out how to do this one.
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