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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 7, 2023
1. Hi everyone! 👋 I'm looking for a way to streamline my photo management between my iPhone and Pixel devices. Is there a shortcut or automation that can automatically send photos from my iPhone's camera folder to WhatsApp at a specific time every day?

2. The goal is to seamlessly transfer photos to my Pixel device, ensuring a backup to unlimited Google Photos. 📸 Has anyone successfully set up a similar automated process? Any tips or recommendations would be greatly appreciated!

3. I'm particularly interested in solutions that maintain photo quality and are user-friendly. Thanks in advance for your insights! 🙏


macrumors 68030
Aug 19, 2020
In my pixel device google photos has unlimted photos. But In iPhone its 15GB free and need subscription for unlimited upload.
You log into Google Photos on the iphone with the same ID you use on the Pixel - that gives you different kind of space depending on the device?
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