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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 20, 2011
Hi everyone,

I have an Apple Watch Ultra that always worked well but since going to Apple Watch OS 10 I find the running workout has become randomly buggy. It is mostly occasionally it will lose signal and a route I run regularly that I know the distance of will lose 3-400 m randomly. Its infrequent and I used to just ignore it but tonight it was being a real PITA.

I had a custom WO set of WU then 3x 3 km off open recovery before CD

The first issue was I did the Warm Up of about 12 minutes then got back to the car and it wouldn't pause despite me pressing the two buttons to pause. The watch kept timing so I pressed pause again and it paused the second time and I think paused at the time I originally pressed paused (about 20 seconds before)

Then proceeded to do the WO and the first interval went fine

The second interval it stopped recording distance near the end and I lost about 100 m

the final interval was a real pigs ear of distance and recorded 1.93 km of the 3 km

What's weird is the watch isn't paused it is still recording but because time is increasing and distance is stopped so the 'indicated pace' keeps getting slower as obviously that is doing the calculation of time/distance

Finally when I finished the intervals I went to press pause (I think it would have been in the final 'open' bit not on CD but it just wouldn't pause. I pressed the side and action button together and the screen flashed saying 'pausing activity' or whatever it reads but the activity just kept going. I had to end the WO and then start a new one for the cool down but really its very annoying faffing with the watch when it is having silly bugs like this that really should be fixed by now.

I have linked to my strata activity to help better explain it. Does anyone have any thoughts on what is going wrong here? or experience of the same problem?



macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 20, 2011
Another issue today again in custom workout but different

today I did a workout of WU, followed by 20x 30 seconds run/30 seconds rest followed by CD. I had two problems today. The first was when I was doing the 30 second intervals. During the interval the watch would seemingly show no distance on one interval and then strangely the next interval would have the distance from the last interval at the start so would show me as running incredibly fast for that interval. Strangely this seems to have resolved when you look back at the workout in the fitness app and things look more sensible (though im not convinced the numbers are fully correct and still think there is some distance being added/subtracted between intervals)

The second and bigger problem however though was after the set and in the cooldown the watch seemed to be back to normal and about 15 minutes from home I got to a train crossing and had to pause the workout. Waited a few minutes and once the train passed went to resume the WO and it would not unpause. The screen would flash ‘resume WO’ but nothing would happen. The clock continued to be paused.

At this point I had to end the WO and when I tried to restart the workout pressing ‘outdoor run’ did nothing. It clicked but didnt go to the next screen. I had to restart the watch and on restart it still wouldn’t work as I couldn’t get it to start a workout. Pressing the two button kept doing ‘open workout’ command but did nothing as it was already in the WO screen. After about 5 minutes faffing around it seemingly fixed itself and I finished my run.

Any experienced anything like this?
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