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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Aug 25, 2016
“Siri what’s the weather for today?”

“Looks like rain today”

“Tell me a joke”

“Parallel lines have so much in common. It’s a shame they’ll——“


“Remind me to go shopping when in get in the car”

It works! It’s so impressive. It feels like I’m having a conversation with Siri without needed to say Hey Siri, it’s just Siri, and after the first time you say it you can just keep talking. You can even just say “stop” and she will stop talking. And you can still tell her to do things without saying the trigger word.

She can only do back to back requests as long as she still remains on your screen. I think it’s perfect for StandBy.

You can’t tell her to do multiple things with one request tho.

Now they should focus on her other faults. 🙃
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