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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 13, 2012
Well, I gave High Sierra a shot. I still am - because hey, I can still browse the web with it!

Other than that, it looks like I'll be permanently parking my late 2013 rMBP in El Capo land.

I got suckered by the new file system - figgered I might as well go ahead and jump into it, get all my devices using the same file system, right? Plus I'll save a bunch of room with the newer file system.

Nope - lost 11 GB right off the bat. But hey, what about all the space I can save with the new photo/video formats? Nope again - my sad little ridiculously fast 2013 doesn't have the chip for that. And neither does my iPhone SE. Yeah, I was gonna buy the new X - but then, it's just embarrassingly stupid and huge and idiotic. So nope, I wasn't ever gonna buy it.

Man, I loved it when Apple actually produced cool stuff. That was awesome! Seriously - I'd be all excited any time Steve came up with something cool, because it WAS freakin' AWESOME!

Now, everything is just stupid - bloated over-sized stupid phones. But hey, NEW EMOJIS on the horizon!

Apple has become so incredibly lame that emojis are a big thing? Still laughing about that comment - thanks, whoever made me smile for the first time in a LONG time reading up on Apple. It's not Juli's fault - lay off her already ;)

Okay, gonna go restore my computer to the OS that boots in 3 seconds and works like a champ.

Apple just wasted a day of my life with their incompetence - so my apologies to whoever is reading this and wants their scan of this stupid post back.


macrumors regular
Oct 9, 2015
high sierra is just = to sierra on my macs.
not better not worst.
even on the 2011 MBA without clean install i have the same performance.

no benefits at all to be clear
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