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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Nov 10, 2017
West Central Ohio
My sister has an LG G5 and says that she can't stand how loud things in the background are in comparison to my voice. She also said this with my iphone se. So I bought a supposedly noise canceling bluetooth headset and she says it is worse. Is this her phone or mine? No one else says this to me. Is there something on my end I can do???

It can be my TV I can turn it off
It can be if I pick up a paper bag
It can be if I set something down
I for sure can't do anything when talking to her. I have to be almost be in a soundproof room. Makes me sad as she is my best friend. She said that this only happens when I call her.

macrumors G4
May 26, 2016
I’m wondering why you thought noise cancelling headphones going to resolve microphone related issues?

iPhone noise cancelling is actually pretty good compared to a lot of other phones. I’ve been in the middle of busy streets and people could hear me crystal clear on the other end. It could be a sound / speaker problem on your sister’s end.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Nov 10, 2017
West Central Ohio
I am at a loss. This didn't happen until she got her LG G5. She is my best friend but it is hard to talk to her as I am a busy person and never sit down. My life is multitasking even if I am retired.
I’m wondering why you thought noise cancelling headphones going to resolve microphone related issues?

iPhone noise cancelling is actually pretty good compared to a lot of other phones. I’ve been in the middle of busy streets and people could hear me crystal clear on the other end. It could be a sound / speaker problem on your sister’s end.

I thought noise canceling might help. I now have two bluetooth headsets. Both do not work to talk to her.

macrumors G4
May 26, 2016
I am at a loss. This didn't happen until she got her LG G5. She is my best friend but it is hard to talk to her as I am a busy person and never sit down. My life is multitasking even if I am retired.

Right, so it kind of proves that the issue is on your sister’s end.

I thought noise canceling might help. I now have two bluetooth headsets. Both do not work to talk to her.

Noise cancelling headphones cancel out outside noise using active / passive noise cancellation technology while you’re listening to something, which means these are effective for the speakers, not for the in built microphones.

Some headsets might have noise cancelling for microphones as well but you generally don’t find them easily and also it’s an extra feature that is normally listed in the specifications.
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