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macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 16, 2019
I did my last computer backup before upgrading to ios 13, and since then I am not getting an option to backup on itunes.

I have verified that I have the latest version of itunes running.

what do I need to do to get the "backup now" option working again?

thanks for your help!


macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 16, 2019
Thanks for your reply!

Yes I do have iMazing actually. I downloaded it and installed it but still have not used it.

But according to the link you sent iMazing and iTunes have to be open simultaneously for this to happen? It says: "When iMazing is running, it disables the iTunes "Back Up" button to prevent simultaneous backups which can lead to corrupted backups. "

I have iMazing installed but I am not running it at the time I open iTunes and get the greyed out backup.

One more question: you mentioned a conflict ... is it possible to backup using both iMazing and iTunes (at different times) so you have two backups as a failsafe?

Thanks again.


macrumors 6502
Feb 28, 2020
Yeah, it is possible to do both. I'm just not sure if you can make them both run automatically. You can certainly manually create an iTunes backup (or whatever it's called now that iTunes is gone) and then manually create an iMazing backup. My perception is that iMazing tries to prevent letting them both run automatically, but there might be a way to do it.

One thing you might check, even if the iMazing app is not running, check your Activity Monitor for iMazing mini. You could try killing it to see if it helps, and if it doesn't, it should just come back when you run the app.
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