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macrumors G3
Original poster
Jul 29, 2003
Silicon Valley
Canalys was reported on techcrunch as saying the top 25 developers took in over 50% of all app store revenue.

But that's reported to be growing to $60B by ABI research. Which means that nearly $30B of revenue is available to be made by smaller developers not in the top 25. ... I'll take my 0.001% of that please. :)


macrumors G3
Nov 26, 2007
In my experience, if you want to get money, sell on the Mac App Store, not the iOS App Store. My plans:

- Make a few awesome Mac App Store apps to get a name for myself.
- Get a lot of fans of my Mac apps.
- Make apps for iOS and have all my Mac app fans know about them.
- They all get my iOS apps too.
- That puts me in the top charts for iOS.
- My iOS apps now have great visibility and get downloaded a lot, too. I let these users know that I have apps on the Mac app store, too.
- Take over both stores like Angry Birds.
- Rule the world.


macrumors G3
Nov 26, 2007
How many of the top 25 started small though?

How many companies don't start small? About the only time it seems like that would happen is the company is a product of another institution (IE, a larger company split into multiple), in which case I'm not sure if it's really fair to say that the company "started".


May 1, 2010
That's a HUGE exponential distribution. It also seems that Apple has a heavy favor towards the few that share the most. Given most of the apps I've seen, I can't say that I wouldn't do the same if I were Apple.
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