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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Sep 2, 2010
New Hampshire
I am planning to get my battery changed and pay for the service. I had one changed years ago with an old phone at Best Buy and they changed it without affecting the screen protector.

Anyone else have the battery changed and the screen protector continued to stay intact? If so, Apple or another authorized service provider?


macrumors 68040
Original poster
Sep 2, 2010
New Hampshire
I know so because I’ve taken my kids iPhones for battery changes with screen protectors on them. That’s how I get an extra year on their devices.
That’s my plan. My 12 pro works great. The only issue is even though the battery says 85%, I can’t make it through a full day. Then I had just put on a new screen protector FloLab and got a perfect installation. Was hoping they didn’t mess up the protector to do the battery change. I have 2 appointments set up for Monday - one with Apple and another with Best Buy. I’ll see if Apple can do it at the store and have me wait. I know Best Buy does it in like a half hour so they are my backup.
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