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macrumors 65816
Original poster
So, how does battlefield 3 run on a 17" 2010 MBP i5 processor and GT 330M with 512MB VRAM? A few things to note:
1. Im a console gamer so anything low settings or above is acceptable.
2. Similarly, anything 30 FPS and above is acceptable since I grew up with consoles.
3. How would it run multiplayer? Can it handle 64 players? Really important.

Thank you all. In case you're curious, I've got a few issues with my PS3 lately, and I'll soon be going out so I can't use a PS3.


macrumors 6502
Jun 7, 2012
Tried it on the same Macbook Pro when it came out and the performance was really, really bad.

However, this guy seems to be running the game with acceptable framerate on a similar system. ;)
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