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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 19, 2014
Hello people!

I'm planning to compose and produce electronic music on the mac and I'm looking for some great and (hopefully) easy to use software. I'm not planning to record live instruments, only use ready made samples. I got a midi keyboard which I'd like to use as well.

What software would you recommend and why?

Big Bad D

macrumors 6502a
Jan 3, 2007
Logic is very good and more feature rich, but nothing to lose starting with free but quite capable Garageband.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 20, 2008
Starting with GarageBand is a good idea, because it’s free. If you decide you need more power, Logic is an incredible value at $200. Any project you create in GB can be opened in Logic. In fact, the default Logic interface looks like GB. You then can enable the advanced features. I bought a 25-hour Mastering Logic Pro class on Udemy. It’s outstanding, and it covers every aspect of Logic. I’ll need to go through it a second time because there’s so much to it. But for electronic music, I don’t think there’s anything better — just different, for people who have different preferences. I write pop/rock/Americana, but I enjoy electronica, too. I subscribe to Masterclass, and there’s a great course on EDM (electronic dance music) production by Deadmau5. He doesn’t use Logic, but his principles on creating songs still apply.
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Big Bad D

macrumors 6502a
Jan 3, 2007
Agreed. Time spent on learning and creating projects initially in Garageband, is not wasted if later need and decision to buy and develop further in Logic.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 19, 2014
Thank you all for your suggestions :)
I ended up getting the 90 day free trial of logic pro. I thought it would be more time efficient to learn the real thing right away. I'll try it out and see how it goes.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 9, 2014
Hello people!

I'm planning to compose and produce electronic music on the mac and I'm looking for some great and (hopefully) easy to use software. I'm not planning to record live instruments, only use ready made samples. I got a midi keyboard which I'd like to use as well.

What software would you recommend and why?
Get logic and watch this YouTube channel:

I wouldn’t buy anything outside of a midi keyboard controller, basic audio interface, and tracking headphones. Don’t buy plug-ins or sample packs, virtual instruments until you get to a level where you know you’ll need them and you’ll save yourself a lot of money. Logic has 99% of what anyone needs to make electronic music.
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macrumors 6502a
Mar 20, 2008
This is the Udemy course I was talking about. It’s on sale now for $22.99, although it’s been on sale the couple of times I’ve checked before, so it might always be “on sale.” There are plenty of great free YouTube videos, but this covers every aspect of Logic from beginning to end. The content creator keeps it updated. I have no affiliation with this course, but it’s one of the best courses I’ve ever purchased.

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