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macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 7, 2012
I am considering jailbreaking... but is it worth it? does it slow down my ipad? what is the best thing about jailbreaking? i have an ipad 1, 32 gb wifi.


macrumors 6502
Jun 25, 2007
Wonder why so many developers stopped upgrading their apps and stopped making new ones? The answer is in the reply above this one.

Don't do it.


May 3, 2011
Free cracked apps.

maybe for someone like you who doesn't respect intellectual properties law...i wouldn't shed much of a tear if that [offering pirated software] went away.

the mail attraction for JB'ing to me is that there are quite a lot of talented programmers and developers who have written some very useful apps & utilities which Apple won't ever put in their app store because either apple doesn't want you to be able to a) extend the functionality of the ipad in such a way, or b)because it encroaches upon what they want to control.

an example of a) would be 'lockdown pro' which allows you to assign security to apps & folders; examples of b) would be utilites that allow you to customize icon layout, system fonts, etc.


Moderator emeritus
Aug 16, 2005
New England
Free cracked apps.

MOD NOTE: Please stay on the bright side of our forum rules. Do not go further than this.

Do not post software serial numbers or keys or refer people to specific websites, software, or techniques whose purpose is to break or bypass software licensing methods, distribute cracks, or obtain or use commercial software or media in violation of its license and/or for copyright violation. Do not ask for or give such help.



macrumors 68040
Aug 8, 2002
For me, customization is the answer. I'd love another app or two in my dock full time. And the lock screen just screams for more/better info. Oh, and the various settings apps are pretty great too.

(I'd like an app that has a 'second tier' below the multi tasking tray that contains switches for the primary radio and related services).


macrumors 65816
Jun 1, 2011
Considering that a working version of jailbreaking hasn't been released in nearly a year, perhaps the first question is whether the OP even has the option of jailbreaking his iPad. If it's an iPad 2, he doesn't.


macrumors 603
Feb 15, 2009
Toronto, Canada
Aside from unlocking I see few benefits and several gotchas to jailbreaking. Just search the forums, is it worth it for a prettier lockscreen?


macrumors 68030
Jul 12, 2011
269 and
Wonder why so many developers stopped upgrading their apps and stopped making new ones? The answer is in the reply above this one.

Don't do it.

yea that's why pc games stop selling as well :rolleyes: piracy will never stop and it will never stop developers as well. Like downloading music will stop the artist to release more album! None sense gonna be none sense. Don't tell me like you never download musics, movies, games and such ilegally.


macrumors 6502
Jun 16, 2009
Louisville, KY
Anymore I don't see much of a reason really, I jailbroke my iPhone 4 once and realized it was useless. I have yet to jailbreak my iPhone 4S and don't plan to, other then maybe adding little functionality to things I can live without.

For the iPad I could see maybe using the application that allows you to run "retina" display versions of iPhone applications vs. lower resolution.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 2, 2011
Considering that a working version of jailbreaking hasn't been released in nearly a year, perhaps the first question is whether the OP even has the option of jailbreaking his iPad. If it's an iPad 2, he doesn't.

But he may very soon. Edit: Just noticed, OP has an iPad 1 anyhow.

I don't use custom themes or any of that cosmetic stuff, but my jailbreak allows me to get around a few of the ways Apple hobbled the iPads to make it more usable for me. For example, Dimmer allows you to turn the brightness all the way down (it doesn't go very far down by default), which makes it far nicer to use in the dark.

I wrote a whole post about why I jailbreak on my blog:


macrumors 6502a
Dec 28, 2008
Aside from unlocking I see few benefits and several gotchas to jailbreaking. Just search the forums, is it worth it for a prettier lockscreen?

This is pretty much how I've viewed jailbreaking as well, but I have been following Pod2g and his progress. I've never jailbroken an ios device .... this would be a first. For me as my life gets more and more "technical", I just want stuff to work. I have enough gadgets that constantly need tweaking. It's nice that there's a certain degree of stability with my ipad2 and 4s. That being said, I would love to have an NES emulator and play some of the old games, so I'm still up in the air.

I know there's lots of threads about this but I would love to see continued discussion of the pros and cons of jailbreaking.


macrumors member
Nov 10, 2011
Everywhere you aren't
I use to jailbreak my devices, and if you are smart about it, you should see no speed difference. The main reason I stopped jailbreaking, was my iPhone 4. There were period where the only available jailbreak would be tethered, and I could not afford to be phoneless if something were to make my phone reboot.

If you do jailbreak DO NOT get cracked apps, the idea behind installous was to let users TRY before they buy. However 99% of people took advantage of that and just kept the apps and never paid. That being said, with the new release of iOS 5.0.1 untethered jailbreak out, I'd say go for it. There is a lot of nifty tweaks and themes you can put on your device that will make it...YOURS.

Hope this helped.


macrumors 65816
Feb 11, 2010
Customization and use the full power of the iPad 2?
I'm having a second thought about jailbreaking my iPad 2 now. I haven't seen that much of a reason why I should jailbreak my iPad, because not that much tweak has been done.


macrumors newbie
Dec 11, 2008
New break for IPAD should allow, f you have need, using the Camera usb cable to attach any usb device to your IPAD. Nice for traveling and increasing the volume of movies, documents, books and music you want, depending on how many gigs you have. That also makes it more portable than hooking up the laptop to the TV if you have AppleTV2. You can Airplay from your Ipad instead, with an external device added.
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