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macrumors 6502a
Jun 12, 2002
Where the air is crisp
I really wanted to start using Firefox on the PC (w2k) at work (especially for tab browsing), but I got annoyed by pages not opening up correctly or having 'rendering errors'. I am back to IE with the google pop-up blocker. You can use Proxomitron if you want to filter out more stuff.

No problems with security/virus so far, but our system is pretty well protected (as well as you can protect PCs). But that is not my problem, we have an IT team monitoring that, so I use what is most convenient for me.


macrumors 68000
Aug 19, 2003
Denver, CO
i would say mozilla. . . but i guess it has been a while since i really used a windows machine of my own (i use them at work but dont customize a lot of stuff for fear of the rath of my boss) so i read about this firefox and it is just a derivative of mozilla (a slightly more simple version designed for speed) so id have to recomend it with everyone else cause i know how strong mozilla is and any software that comes from!


macrumors 65816
Apr 20, 2004
Abstract said:
Great.....virus and spyware companies aim at IE and Outlook users. Good luck. ;)

Plus I have Ad-Aware and a Virus Scanner- MacAfee or whatever


macrumors 6502
Jun 30, 2004
Despite the security concerns, I use IE as well on my Windoze machines. I also have the google pop-up blocker bar, and Notron Antivirus. The occasional run of Spybot and Ad-Aware is also essential as well. But despite all that,I like IE more than the other browsers available for Woindoze. It works well, and I actually like the integration with the operating system, I liek being able to type a web address anywhere and having it hit the web, or accessing my c: drive at any moment by typing c: in the address bar. It works well, and has a pretty clean interface.



macrumors 65816
Jun 26, 2004
etoiles said:
I really wanted to start using Firefox on the PC (w2k) at work (especially for tab browsing), but I got annoyed by pages not opening up correctly or having 'rendering errors'. I am back to IE with the google pop-up blocker. You can use Proxomitron if you want to filter out more stuff.

No problems with security/virus so far, but our system is pretty well protected (as well as you can protect PCs). But that is not my problem, we have an IT team monitoring that, so I use what is most convenient for me.

Trust me it will get by it, I am pretty sure that I have the family computer pretty well protected. It blocks almost all of the stuff but a lot still gets by. A trick to get around dealing with those pages is get the extetion for firefox call IE view so when you run into one of the pages with very poor and lazy webmaster you can right click and say view in IE. IE now opens up at the exact same loction and it looks like IE.

That at least how I deal with it


macrumors 68000
Jan 28, 2004
I use Firfox here at work. One very cool thing I have found is running Firefox off of my USB drive. This makes it possible to keep all of my bookmarks and everything the same and I can run it off of any Windows computer I come in contact with (work, school, friends, etc)


macrumors member
Sep 9, 2004

This is sad
Im not trying be a @$$ Or anything

But Mozilla firefox is a new company that just made a internet browsing thing just for the heck of it

I Have horror storys of firefox
It rarely works ever

thats why I say internet explorer and its made by a company ALMOST everyone knows



macrumors 6502a
May 2, 2003
Home of Al-Qaida
brenton said:
This is sad
Im not trying be a @$$ Or anything

But Mozilla firefox is a new company that just made a internet browsing thing just for the heck of it

I Have horror storys of firefox
It rarely works ever

thats why I say internet explorer and its made by a company ALMOST everyone knows


Hahaha, shut your pie hole 'cause it's obvious you have no idea what's going on behind the scenes. is created by people who created Netscape, as a open source project, free of ads and junk coding like IE. So remember, if you don't know crap, shut up.


macrumors member
Sep 9, 2004

Mozilla may be good but probaly everyone here preferes it because there mostly windows haters And I can almost guarantee you that atlest 70% Of the people that have Cable have internet explorer because its made by a huge company and isnt free so Stuff that cost money is usually better
And they make IE for mac too but they also make firefox for mac buts its a nightmare with mac Sorry but Thats my opinion :)


macrumors 65816
Jun 26, 2004
brenton said:
Mozilla may be good but probaly everyone here preferes it because there mostly windows haters And I can almost guarantee you that atlest 70% Of the people that have Cable have internet explorer because its made by a huge company and isnt free so Stuff that cost money is usually better
And they make IE for mac too but they also make firefox for mac buts its a nightmare with mac Sorry but Thats my opinion :)

Ok I going to say you are full of it. I have yet to hear a story of Firefox doing damage to a system and general I am on several other PC based forums and more active there and keep track of stuff that goes on there more. Have yet to read a post bashing firefox. Try asking the question about firefox as, Sharky forums hell try asking the same quiest on most heavy PC forums. You see that a lot of them choose to use firefox. IE has about hte same number but if you look at the IE knock off (MyIE2 and those) very few. But look at the other netscape browser numbers and you will noticed something. More of the educated people who know quiet abit about computer you will see they use a netscaped based browser over an IE based one.

The mac verson works ok in Pear PC (only place I have look at it) but it pretty clear that it a straight port from the windows verson not the other way

Westside guy

macrumors 603
Oct 15, 2003
The soggy side of the Pacific NW
Mozilla Firefox - and here's why:

- User-selectable pop-up blocking (IE does this too as of XP Service Pack 2)
- User-selectable ad blocking
- Large community of talented people writing extensions for Firefox that greatly enhance its useability
- Renders pages significantly faster than Internet Explorer

I haven't had problems with Firefox displaying pages incorrectly on Windows or Linux, period. The Mac version occasionally has problems, but the developers are aware of them and working on them. If you find a page that doesn't render correctly (on Windows, MacOS, or Linux) you should report it using the excellent Bugzilla bug reporting and tracking tool. If they can duplicate the bug, it will get fixed - BUT you should realize that rendering "bugs" might be due to inproper coding. (I realize some people just prefer to whine rather than take constructive steps, so this may not apply to you. :D)

Actually let's add another bullet point:

- Developers are, in large part, available to the end-user AND they listen! When has MS listened to you?

Edit: Oh, let's not forget that IE hasn't actually been developed/improved/fixed for several years, in terms of supporting newer Web standards.


macrumors member
Sep 9, 2004
Ok whatever

I Think that people here prefer Mozilla because it isnt runned by microsoft and Plus The Most important reason that IE seems better is because It isnt free! Free programs usually have spyware, Not that mozilla firefox does.
Anyways, Its like macs vs pcs, Macs will never take over pcs, Sadly, But I wish they would
And Mozilla will never take over Internet explorers for these reasons

1.Internet Explorer comes on a brand new computer (Firefox doesnt and NEVER WILL)

2.More people Know about internet explorer then mozilla.

3.The mac version of IE Has less bugs then the firefox mac version

4. Everyone is entitled there own opinion

the features of firefox are nice, But In the end, There is more you can do on IE then firefox


macrumors 65816
Jun 26, 2004
brenton said:
I Think that people here prefer Mozilla because it isnt runned by microsoft and Plus The Most important reason that IE seems better is because It isnt free! Free programs usually have spyware, Not that mozilla firefox does.
Anyways, Its like macs vs pcs, Macs will never take over pcs, Sadly, But I wish they would
And Mozilla will never take over Internet explorers for these reasons

1.Internet Explorer comes on a brand new computer (Firefox doesnt and NEVER WILL)

2.More people Know about internet explorer then mozilla.

3.The mac version of IE Has less bugs then the firefox mac version

4. Everyone is entitled there own opinion

the features of firefox are nice, But In the end, There is more you can do on IE then firefox

again you failed to even go agaist my argument. I said go to some heavy Windows PC site where there are people who know there stuff. Hell you will find a lot of mac haters there but yet they like firefox over IE. Before you ride off these blind Maccy as MS haters go check out those sites. Also I not among the blind maccy if you noticed I tend pick at the flaws. Go check out a heavy end PC site and then ask the same question here. Your answer will be Firefox or Oprea in general. You are not going to see many IE post. Hell ask them what browser they see and again you will see Firefox Oprea and IE rounding out the top 3. heck go to some gaming forums and ask the question and look at you answer you will get. Firefox yet it again.

Firefox is still a pretty new browser and it is spreading like wild fire. I first heard of it last spring when it was still a pretty new beta and it was recomend I switch. I got it a few months later when it went to 9.1 and I have never looked back. Now I see more and more computer going over to firefox and the more computer smart people are using it.
IE is a broken web browser. Those IE only sites are made by the lazy and poor web master who are consider crappy because they dont bother making there site for a large chunk of the market. Laslty IE does not work with the current web standards out there.

But you will find this instersting. Of the more educated people ;windows side you will find that it a higher % of them use a Netscaped bases broswer over an IE one. Yes IE is still the larger % base but then again most people are idoits who know nouthing and I get to speed a large chunk of time cleaning up there computers and fixing them. Pain in the rear. Every 2-3 months I come home from collage and I get to spend the first few hours or after I get home cleaning up the home computer and getting everything working on it again. It not fun but it still uses IE and sadly it not going to switch over to firefox because my mom does not want to change and she is idoit when it comes to computers and she know it.

As for the bugs considing firefox is still a BETA program it is forgiveble. It going 1.0 by the end of the year so most of bother rsome bugs will be gone.

Oh and by the way there is a lot more that you can do with Firefox than IE. Out of the box Firefox is about on the same leval as IE but once you get the common extentions that most people will tell you to get you find that it is in fact a much more powerful browswer and you can keep adding on from there.

So before you say it all MS haters go check some gaming forums or costume PC forums and see what they say.

edit: Now look at the results from that poll. And if you noticed that is from a pretty much a PC only site. IE is blown out of the water by firefox.


macrumors regular
Aug 28, 2004
Philadelphia, PA
Why are you even bothering debating this with brenton? His rhetoric sounds like its of a 12 year old and obviously he doesn't know anything. IE is free and Mozilla is better.


macrumors 6502
Jun 29, 2004
Anyone who says IE > Firefox obviously doesn't know their stuff. Just let the kid be :p


macrumors 65816
Jun 26, 2004
Fourbin said:
Why are you even bothering debating this with brenton? His rhetoric sounds like its of a 12 year old and obviously he doesn't know anything. IE is free and Mozilla is better.

I forgot about that. IE is free for everyone so MS does not really give a rats ass about it. Firefox is also free but the diffence is the devepors of firefox make there money off of people donating money or buying the cds. Plus it is open sorce so a lot of people who care about it are working hard on it


macrumors member
Sep 9, 2004
Ok Now I know more

Ok thats cool, I didnt know that firefox was like that, does it cost any money at all? But Still Im going to use Internet Explorer because it is older and More people use it

I know some GREAT computer designers that prefer IE over firefox

There both webbrosing programs So It doesnt matter

BTW Im a month away from 13 :)


macrumors 65816
Jun 26, 2004
brenton said:
Ok thats cool, I didnt know that firefox was like that, does it cost any money at all? But Still Im going to use Internet Explorer because it is older and More people use it

I know some GREAT computer designers that prefer IE over firefox

There both webbrosing programs So It doesnt matter

BTW Im a month away from 13 :)

Well that answer all the question right there. Firefox is 100% free. Well enjoy the spy where that goes with using IE. Since I started using firefox back in June and I had almost no spyware. The spare scanner have pick up something like 20-30 files since june. Now running IE only I would pick up 30+ items in a week. Just to give you an idea. I must say it so nice to to not have to make scanning a weekly thing to more of a monthly thing. (oh and those spyware files that I get with firefox they are all cookies compared to about everything else with IE)

Westside guy

macrumors 603
Oct 15, 2003
The soggy side of the Pacific NW
You know guys, assuming the rest of you are older than 12... it's kinda silly to hassle a 12-year-old for "acting like a 12-year-old". :) There are actually a lot of kids on this forum. If you don't like what they say, argue with their statements rather than insulting them. Or just walk away.

... So says the 44-year-old dude. :D


macrumors member
Jul 21, 2004
Vancouver, B.C
I use Firefox as my default web browser on my Windoze system. Because it Fast and safe, with tabbed browsing feature, and also I can change its theme. :D
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