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macrumors 6502
Original poster
May 28, 2010
Topeka, Kansas
I'm currently EDC a 2010 13.3 2.4ghz MacBook Pro that when shaken a little too hard the WiFi card stops working. Out of warranty and Apple Care, I'm looking at upgrading to either an iPad pro and an iMac 4K for at home or a MacBook Pro that can satisfy my needs.

For the most part I'll be doing school work, basic excel sheets/powerpoints/word processor for papers and notes, but I'll also need to edit GoPro 1080.60 files and high resolution photography as well. I had the iPad Retina when it first came out and with the portability of my MacBook Pro it saw very little use. Can the iPad Pro be used as an on-the-go editing rig for putting together 30-second videos and saving the bigger files for when I get home to an iMac or will my needs be best fulfilled with a MacBook Pro on the go? And if so, what MacBook Pro would best fit my needs for editing large video and photo files quickly? Hoping there are others like me out there than can lend there experience before I drop $2,500 and feel unsatisfied.
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macrumors 68030
Sep 30, 2014
Go with the rMBP, the IPP is still iOS and has all the issues the rMB gets slated for - CPU, no USB or thunderbolt ports.
its just too much of a compromise for me, the iPad is a handy device for light browsing and consuming digital media, anything more has me reach for a full device. Its just quicker, more comfortable and easier with full version of the apps.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
May 28, 2010
Topeka, Kansas
Go with the rMBP, the IPP is still iOS and has all the issues the rMB gets slated for - CPU, no USB or thunderbolt ports.
its just too much of a compromise for me, the iPad is a handy device for light browsing and consuming digital media, anything more has me reach for a full device. Its just quicker, more comfortable and easier with full version of the apps.

What's the best rMBP for editing videos? Is there a certain processor/video card I should be looking for?


macrumors newbie
Jan 26, 2016
Yeah, rMBP and an external monitor is what I use as a uni student. If you're a student and are also out doing a lot of video/photography stuff, IMO it just doesn't make sense to have your main workhorse fixed to one location as it would be with an iMac. Realistically any external monitor you get won't be 4/5k like an iMac would offer, but I don't think those resolutions are enough to outweigh the physical limitations it will impose on you.

While I think a 13" would be fine and gives you less weight and more portability, if you want the increased power of a quad core processor/dedicated GPU or just more screen real estate, go for 15". If your video editing is a real serious hobby, 15" i7 with dedicated GPU will definitely be up to the task.


macrumors 68000
Nov 20, 2007
What's the best rMBP for editing videos? Is there a certain processor/video card I should be looking for?
The 13" would suffice, but the 15" is my preference. Add in an external monitor (+kb/m) and you're good to go.

Which 15" depends on your budget and which monitor you go with too.
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