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Che Castro

macrumors 603
Original poster
May 21, 2009
what is the repo again, the original one

he doesnt get that much props

a cydia tweak that is actually worth the money, but is free :eek:

to the creator this is for you


now i got a fresh install of ios 5

i need the repo ASAP :apple:


macrumors 6502
Sep 13, 2008
Many times there have been supposed setting alterations that were said to increase the speed of your iDevice. However, to be honest, most of these setting alterations did nothing to increase the actual speed of my iDevice, and this left me disappointed. That is why when I found a new tweak called FakeClockUp on Cydia, I was thrilled to share it with all of you. What is FakeClockUp? Well FakeClockUp is a new tweak that has just hit Cydia through a 3rd party repository, that works by increasing the animation time of certain iOS features; like folders. Now why would you want to increase your iOS animation times? Well when you increase the animation time of the iOS firmware, it makes navigating through settings and folders a much snappier process.


macrumors 68000
Aug 29, 2007
Developer land

if you'd researched or even searched MR, you'd understand that it only tweaks the UISettings delays/UIAnimations. Hence why it's called fakeclockup.. :rolleyes: jeez.

Edit: on further inspection, it does state that, but the opening seemed a little naive, apologies.
Version 0.2-1, correct?

off the top of my head yes - but if you have any issues i can send you the original


macrumors 6502
Sep 13, 2008
if you'd researched or even searched MR, you'd understand that it only tweaks the UISettings delays/UIAnimations. Hence why it's called fakeclockup.. :rolleyes: jeez.
What the heck is your problem dude? I just replied to OutSpoken's question because he asked what this tweak is actually doing.
Many times there have been supposed setting alterations that were said to increase the speed of your iDevice. However, to be honest, most of these setting alterations did nothing to increase the actual speed of my iDevice, and this left me disappointed. That is why when I found a new tweak called FakeClockUp on Cydia, I was thrilled to share it with all of you. What is FakeClockUp? Well FakeClockUp is a new tweak that has just hit Cydia through a 3rd party repository, that works by increasing the animation time of certain iOS features; like folders. Now why would you want to increase your iOS animation times? Well when you increase the animation time of the iOS firmware, it makes navigating through settings and folders a much snappier process.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 29, 2010
Well FakeClockUp is a new tweak that has just hit Cydia through a 3rd party repository, that works by increasing the animation time of certain iOS features; like folders. Now why would you want to increase your iOS animation times? Well when you increase the animation time of the iOS firmware, it makes navigating through settings and folders a much snappier process.
Actually, I believe the correct description would be that it "decreases the animation time" or "increases the speed of the animations".

It makes the animations run faster.


macrumors 68000
Aug 29, 2007
Developer land
What the heck is your problem dude? I just replied to OutSpoken's question because he asked what this tweak is actually doing.

you didn't put that/quote it, nor did you quote my apology for not reading the whole thing fully. there's 'no problem dude'. relax. ;)


macrumors newbie
Jun 1, 2011
Pittsburgh, PA
Pink∆Floyd;13732425 said:
Yes you are.

Have you personally experienced FakeClockUp?

Okay everyone.................The kid was right........"ALL IT DOES IS OVERCLOCK OR UNDERCLOCK TO YOUR LIKING!!!!!! ONLY ANIMATION SPEED IS EFFECTED, NOTHING ELSE." I am sorry if you already understood that but reading all them posts got me confused on what the he** you guys were trying to say to each other.


macrumors 68020
Jul 12, 2010
Okay everyone.................The kid was right........"ALL IT DOES IS OVERCLOCK OR UNDERCLOCK TO YOUR LIKING!!!!!! ONLY ANIMATION SPEED IS EFFECTED, NOTHING ELSE." I am sorry if you already understood that but reading all them posts got me confused on what the he** you guys were trying to say to each other.

I'm sorry did you say "ALL" it does is speed up the animations?

Have you used an iPhone? 90% of the user experience is animations.

Trust me, this makes the phone faster. If I can unlock the phone, open mail, and get into my message in half the time as stock, yes literal time as in seconds, then guess what?

It's faster. Thats the definition of faster. Less time.

If I switch between Safari and Notes, and the animation to move one out of the way and bring the other to the front is 2x faster, thus taking half the time as before...what is it? Is it...faster?

It's faster.


macrumors 6502
Mar 13, 2006
But this tweak doesn't really speed up the makes animations faster but thats all...

Am i missing the point here?

Yes you might be missing it.

The whole OS is full of animations that take x amount of time:
opening an app, closing an app, moving from page to page in an an like settings etc..

Now all these things on the OS are the speed that they are because the animation is a fixed length. This app makes all of the things you do on the phone, like opening an app closing an app, moving from page to page, etc... 2-10x faster than stock. So the OS *is* truly faster anytime an animation runs, which turns out is quite often. The same way that an audiobook or a podcast is faster when listening to it in 2x mode.

It's one thing I miss the most going to IOS non-JB.


macrumors newbie
Nov 17, 2011
I just registered here to say how A-M-A-Z-I-N-G this tweak is and how much better my 3GS is behaving now that all those sluggish animations run at x2.5 faster speed. I can't recommend this enough people, just have a go at it, don't go for the insane 10x speeds, just 2x - 2.5x will make your iphone interface look like iphone 4 was when iOS4 was released. You'll be amazed by how faster and smoother your old iphone UI can be just by speeding up its animations. It's not a matter of processor power, 3G and 3GS can easily run the 2x or 2.5x animation speeds (something that is even suspicious of Apple to not implement for older phones).

Only problem is that the original slow animation speed was camouflaging how much time an app actually takes to load and they now seem to take more time (or it could be my idea seeing how fast the UI runs). A friend that has iOS4 on a 3G is again able to use it and is thrilled by how much it has improved UI navigation. I mean even my 3GS was stalling way too much when entering the SMS list (for 6-7 SMSs only too) and now it just opens them in a blink.

Totally and highly recommended for any 3G-3GS user, I'd even try it on a 4 if I had one and it's my no.1 reason for jailbreak now.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 28, 2011
I second what the OP has to say. I can't wait for the 4s jb so I can add fakeclockup again.


macrumors 6502
Sep 15, 2011
Mariana Trench
Pink∆Floyd;13732425 said:
Yes you are.

Have you personally experienced FakeClockUp?

Yes you might be missing it.

The whole OS is full of animations that take x amount of time:
opening an app, closing an app, moving from page to page in an an like settings etc..

Now all these things on the OS are the speed that they are because the animation is a fixed length. This app makes all of the things you do on the phone, like opening an app closing an app, moving from page to page, etc... 2-10x faster than stock. So the OS *is* truly faster anytime an animation runs, which turns out is quite often. The same way that an audiobook or a podcast is faster when listening to it in 2x mode.

It's one thing I miss the most going to IOS non-JB.


Are you serious? It sounds freaking incredible?
Does the app cause problems or have any side effects?
So animation is speed up but the file and apps will not be corrupted, etc?

It sounds too good to be true.....


macrumors 6502
Feb 28, 2011
Minneapolis, MN


Are you serious? It sounds freaking incredible?
Does the app cause problems or have any side effects?
So animation is speed up but the file and apps will not be corrupted, etc?

It sounds too good to be true.....
Doesn't cause any damage and it has no side effects. It's fantastic. It's the only thing I miss after getting my 4S.


macrumors 6502a
May 25, 2010
Definitely my favorite tweak! Although since I upgraded to ios5 before the JB was out...I must say to everyone that you should look at the animations again if you have it sped up so much that you can't see them. The animations are nice, which is why a slight increase in speed (in my opinion) is much better than the x10 speed. Just my thoughts though.

Best tweak ever!


macrumors 68040
Jul 25, 2006
paradise beach FL
This tweak is pretty cool and I'm grateful for teh thread here that led me to it. I'm not always a speed freak though, sometimes I enjoy slowing down the animations as well to like x1/3. It's cool.. yeah but best of 2011, nah. Top twenty for sure.:p
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