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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 7, 2017

I recently bootcamped my mac with windows 10. (about a month or two ago). One day my son knocked my mac off of my counter and it fell. When I turned on the comp. it looked like the screen was cracked. I was able to still see (kinda) and I was able to reset the display driver (at least I think I did) and It started working again. Now fast forward to present. I sat down and turned on my mac and try booting to the mac side and after putting in my PW it would show a download bar (like it was updating) after finishing a warning screen pops p and says it did not boot properly. I can click cancel or restart. If I click cancel it will open up my desktop which looks fine for about a second then the screen goes black. The computer is still on and I can open up stuff and press buttons. I have no clue how to fix this. If I have to just hard reset my mac I will do that just looking for a solution before I start going down that avenue. TIA
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