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macrumors member
Original poster
Dec 9, 2009
Hey all… I’ll save the back story because it’s long and not that interesting, but I’m wondering if I have been blocked from sending an iMessage to a particular number?

So I messaged this person and it went through as an iMessage but didn’t show as delivered. Normally it would, although this person doesn’t have read reports activated.

I then tried calling the number and got a half ring before diverting straight to UK Vodafone voicemail. Also tried the same but this time blocking my number with the same result. Then tried with a completely different landline number. Again got a half ring and voicemail.

About 48hrs later the original messages suddenly showed up as delivered.

Since then I have sent one more iMessage, which was this time instantly delivered.

Does this sound like I’m being blocked to anyone? Or more probably that the phone was turned off during the period of time that there was no delivery report?

I think I previously recall that in a recent iOS update that iMessages can show as delivered even if you are blocked?

Any thoughts or advice would be greatly received.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 9, 2013
I then tried calling the number and got a half ring before diverting straight to UK Vodafone voicemail. Also tried the same but this time blocking my number with the same result. Then tried with a completely different landline number. Again got a half ring and voicemail.

About 48hrs later the original messages suddenly showed up as delivered.

Since then I have sent one more iMessage, which was this time instantly delivered.

I don't care about the backstory but sounds like you should leave that person alone.
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