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macrumors 604
Sep 29, 2009
I think some people above conveniently forgot products with design over function like charging port under the mouse, the butterfly keyboard, overly flat iOS 7, all happened when Jony Ive got unlimited and unchecked power (given by Jobs), and after his departure from Apple, now everything is going back to 'normal'.


macrumors 68000
Oct 19, 2003
that town east of ann arbor
Apple is the single largest AI company on planet earth by scale of deployment. Every iOS device is executing AI across a range of services. Every A-series chip and the new Apple M-series silicon is architecturally designed for AI applications. Not sure who you think Apple has lost AI to, but Google, IBM, Microsoft, and Amazon all consider Apple to be a dominant player in that market. They just don’t directly monetize it for institutional use or standalone products.
Not sure why everyone thinks AI is limited to smart speakers either.
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macrumors regular
May 15, 2016
It baffles me to watch people argue the successes of the most profitable company in the world. Apple makes a bazillion dollars a year and people are talking about butterfly keyboards and a mac pro from 8 years ago.
Apple has way slower growth than Microsoft, Amazon or Google. Apple was valued at the price of Microsoft and Google combined in 2014. That us no longer so. They grew faster than Apple. Of Amazon we don’t need to speak of.


macrumors 604
Sep 29, 2009
Apple has way slower growth than Microsoft, Amazon or Google. Apple was valued at the price of Microsoft and Google combined in 2014. That us no longer so. They grew faster than Apple. Of Amazon we don’t need to speak of.
what's the "value"? Stock market value? You sure this is a good metric?
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macrumors 601
Apr 18, 2011
Apple under Tim Cook is developing great products and also keeping their shareholders very happy. The article is correct about this.

Tim Cook also is using Apple to push his agenda. I can't say more about this here, I can't even say what agenda sadly, but it's probably the biggest failing Tim Cook has done as CEO of Apple. On a personal note this is exactly why I have zero respect for Tim Cook.


Aug 24, 2013
I like what Tim has done, I really do and respect the hell out of him. But the reality is that during his decade as the CEO they are still selling the same thing over and over again. The only significant new product is Apple Watch, but that’s just an accessory.

We know that Steve Jobs warned them about the innovator’s dilemma and it seems like they’re not doing anything about it.


macrumors 65816
Jun 11, 2014
“In an all-hands meeting last year, an employee asked Dan Riccio, then Apple’s hardware chief, why the company continues to build products in China given these ethical problems. The crowd cheered. ‘Well, that’s above my pay grade,’ he responded, before adding that Apple was still working to expand its manufacturing presence beyond China.”

Such a brush-off response doesn’t give me hope for Riccio. ??‍♂️ C’mon, bruh.
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macrumors 68020
Apr 20, 2016
La Jolla, CA
Why then does Cook's Apple NEVER promote OR recommend "High-Tech" Third-Party Apps in the Today tab of their App Store App ?

Tim Cook may run the BIGGEST BIG Tech company, but he is 100% Low-Tech when it comes to Third-Parties even in the Apple Ecosystem !

I challenge anyone to list Third-Party Apple Ecosystem Engineering Accomplishments that Cook's Apple has EVER recommended OR promoted.

I give Cook a C+ grade, too many IN-securities.


Sep 15, 2020
It is impressive what a great diplomat Cook is! It’s also insane how Apple recovered from its mid-decade slump (horrible keyboards, trash can mac, iPhone 6 design, initial reaction to watch etc). Thanks for that, Tim Cook.
Wow what a shortsighted thought process. Every company has blunders. Faulty keyboards on a 4 year product line would never hurt Apple's position or finances in any way shape or form. Same with the "trash can" Mac Pro. iPhone 6 design was perfectly fine. I have one and it never bent and a few of my friends never had a single issue with them. Are you even serious about the Apple Watch? It's opposing companies like Samsung and Unbox Therapy on YouTube who create Apple drama to try and screw over the company's sales.
By your logic Lenovo should've gone out of business by now. The Thinkpads have been (and still are) shipping with warped screens. The lid bows when closed so it's a very noticeable gap. Plastics breaking off the Thinkpads, and these computers are priced the same as MacBooks. This along with Lenovos horrible customer service should've killed the company, but things like this don't do this.
You have to look further out of the box. Product blunders don't hurt companies.
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macrumors 65816
Jul 18, 2002
Houston, TX
I will agree that he has made Apple become dominant and financially wealthy but at the same time has turned Apple into a only care about profit company. Don't get me wrong, Steve was the same way but he also cared about the Apple customers. Not saying Tim doesn't but they aren't the same importance that Steve had.


macrumors 68040
Jul 3, 2012
It is impressive what a great diplomat Cook is! It’s also insane how Apple recovered from its mid-decade slump (horrible keyboards, trash can mac, iPhone 6 design, initial reaction to watch etc). Thanks for that, Tim Cook.

On the other hand, Apple lost the A.I. race (to Amazon and Google). The lost the cloud race (to Amazon and Microsoft). They lost music to Spotify. They lost video to streaming above all to Netflix but also to Amazon. They lost home/virtual assistant to Amazon and Google.
They might lose app distribution to Epic or generally an open market. They have to ward of state regulations.

They are in the middle of a huge and ever changing battlefield. I have the uttermost respect for the intelligence and resilience people in that business must have!!!

They have not lost anything, as long as it makes them money or sells more devices.

You don't need to be number 1 in every bracket to consider it a success.

(And Spotify is still losing money...)
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Sep 15, 2020
It baffles me to watch people argue the successes of the most profitable company in the world. Apple makes a bazillion dollars a year and people are talking about butterfly keyboards and a mac pro from 8 years ago.
It just shows you how limited these people are by brining up butterfly keyboards. These same limited people here will never be capable of running a big company. Just laugh at them and move on to more sane educated posts.
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macrumors 68040
Mar 27, 2004
Eastern USA
On the other hand, Apple lost the A.I. race (to Amazon and Google). The lost the cloud race (to Amazon and Microsoft). They lost music to Spotify. They lost video to streaming above all to Netflix but also to Amazon. They lost home/virtual assistant to Amazon and Google.
They might lose app distribution to Epic or generally an open market. They have to ward of state regulations.
I’d quibble with nearly every one of these characterizations. And to be fair, if you understand the history of AWS, no one else had a chance.


macrumors regular
Nov 26, 2017
Tim Cook is no different than other human beings. He is a mix of good and bad.

Thus it ever was, thus it shall ever be with humanity.


macrumors 68020
Nov 7, 2017
Could Apple design products that could be more easily built in America?

Is it the industrial design that makes this hard?

Ie does the external design mean that internal assembly is so tough that only the SE Asian manufacturers have the expertise to do this?

Could easier to build designs be created that (no doubt along with robots) mean that the assembly would be feasible to bring to the USA?

Or is what Apple doing so intrinsically difficult that it would be extremely hard to recreate the entire ecosystem in the USA (and scale)?

Btw I’ve no background in by ID, product design / manufacture nor do I live in the USA.
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Sep 15, 2020
Could Apple design products that could be more easily built in America?

Is it the industrial design that makes this hard?

Ie does the external design mean that internal assembly is so tough that only the SE Asian manufacturers have the expertise to do this?

Could easier to build designs be created that (no doubt along with robots) mean that the assembly would be feasible to bring to the USA?

Or is what Apple doing so intrinsically difficult that it would be extremely hard to recreate the entire ecosystem in the USA (and scale)?

Btw I’ve no background in by ID, product design / manufacture nor do I live in the USA.
Wasn't too hard to tell.


macrumors 65816
Aug 8, 2018
Tim Cook is no different than other human beings. He is a mix of good and bad.

Thus it ever was, thus it shall ever be with humanity.
I don’t wanna really get associated with Tim Hollywood. I know its kinda childish but important to me.
He might be a human being - but acts very inhumane ... imho
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macrumors 68040
Mar 27, 2004
Eastern USA
What do you mean there? Genuinely interested to know more about that, would you mind elaborating or pointing me to an article etc, please?
Here’s a decent place to start. Basically it was an unexpected convergence of circumstances that forced Amazon to build out data centers and robust web services infrastructure. Once they had surplus and realized the potential revenue stream, they started leasing platform space to third parties. Not even Amazon anticipated this, let alone competitors, and now they’re the dominant player in the web services market. Even Apple with its massive data center investment relies heavily on AWS. The “quiet Amazon” makes more money than their consumer-facing product sales. It’s a behemoth.
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