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macrumors Penryn
Aug 23, 2005
a better place
What you see is simply the default Macintosh HD icon that has been replaced and rename Tiger.

Simply find an icon you want is a great place for icons. download the one you want, click on it and go to edit and copy. Or apple + C

Then right click on the macintosh HD icon, choose get info. From the window that open, click on the icon of the hd at the top left and a blue halo forms around it. Now go to edit and paste or apple + V and the icon changes.

Thats it.

To rename it simply click on the name until it's highlighted and type in 'tiger' or whatever.

When you boot you will now have your customised 'APPLE' partition name & icon.

You cant do this for windows though, hence the screen shot you posted does not have a customised icon for windows...

The General

macrumors 601
Original poster
Jul 7, 2006
Hi! :D

Thanks for the help and the link to the awesome website! While I was snooping around in that website, one of the comments had a link to in it, and this is exactly what I'm looking for! :)

Now I need to figure out how to have a case-sensative name for my Windows XP FAT32 partition. :p

- The General :)

EDIT: And I just noticed it has "Ctrl+C" and "Ctrl+V" ... perhaps I need to edit this! :p Gotta love Wiki's. :D


macrumors 68040
Jun 29, 2006
You mean have a name for the partition when you're looking at it in OS X? Launch Windows, go to My Computer, click on the C Drive, and then right-click and go down to the 'Rename' option. :)


macrumors 68000
Jun 22, 2004
Kushiel's Scion
Ya. You rename the Windows partition from -- gasp! -- Windows! :)

There's no way to give the Windows partition a custom icon in the bootloader, although you can give it a custom icon when looking at the drive/volume from OS X.

The General

macrumors 601
Original poster
Jul 7, 2006
Okay I got one of the icons to work, but it still says "EFI boot" under the OS X icon. I have tried different names, but it doesn't seem to change it.

Also, the link above gives instructions on how to change the Windows icon, but it's not working for me. :(

EDIT: Well, I just selected OS X in Startup Disk, and that fixed it. I still can't get the Windos icon to work. :p


macrumors 68000
Jun 22, 2004
Kushiel's Scion
The General said:
Okay I got one of the icons to work, but it still says "EFI boot" under the OS X icon. I have tried different names, but it doesn't seem to change it.

Also, the link above gives instructions on how to change the Windows icon, but it's not working for me. :(

EDIT: Well, I just selected OS X in Startup Disk, and that fixed it. I still can't get the Windos icon to work. :p
From where? From the bootloader? Can't be done with the stock bootloader.

You can change the Windows icon to something new but it will only show that icon in OS X. The instructions you linked to above do work for this; I've done it on my MacBook.

If there is a way to change the Windows icon in the bootloader, I've not seen it.

The General

macrumors 601
Original poster
Jul 7, 2006
Ah, I see now. Those instructions are for chaning the Windows icon, if it's NTFS, in OS X on the desktop. I thought it was for the bootloader. :eek:
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