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macrumors 601
Original poster
Feb 26, 2003
around the world
Hi guys,

a friend of mine has serious problems with his iBook G4 933MHz running Panther. After installing a bunch of software (Corel Graphic Suite with a lot of fonts) it takes now forever to boot the iBook. He is the only user on the system there is no log in screen. The iBook already boots that far that the OS X GUI is loaded. Not the top menu. And then there is just the well known spinning ball for many minutes.

He already uninstalled all the software and the fonts. But the problem is still there. By uninstall I mean more or less just deleted.

I switched him from his HP PC and now he has this problem and I have currently no idea what to do.

If someone has I would be really thankful
Kind regards


macrumors 65816
Feb 14, 2003
He should format his disk and reinstall panther. That ::will:: fix the problem, although there's probably a better way around it.

Try fixing permissions, and booting off the install disk and running a Disk Utility check on the drive.


macrumors 601
Original poster
Feb 26, 2003
around the world
zach said:
He should format his disk and reinstall panther. That ::will:: fix the problem, although there's probably a better way around it.

Try fixing permissions, and booting off the install disk and running a Disk Utility check on the drive.

First - thanks for the feedback.

We used Onyx already. Not really fixing it. And formatting and re-installing. I know this solution as well. But this is kind of a lot of work. If thats the way to go. Well then he has to.



Moderator emeritus
Jan 9, 2004
Grand Rapids, MI, USA
Have you checked in system preferences, to see what, if any, applications or helper utilities are trying to launch in the background? This is under the user account preferences. This can have a big impact on the portion of startup time after the boot panel goes away.


macrumors 68030
Nov 2, 2003
San Francisco, CA
When you put a lot of bloat on a computer, sometimes uninstalling it still really doesn't completely fix the problem. I'd say a backup/reformat is the best option. You could always upgrade the HD too...



macrumors regular
Sep 4, 2004
It's the fonts, I'd bet.

Did you use an application like Suitcase to manage them?

Regardless, I'd rebuild your font folders. A list of the essential and recommended ones is here.
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