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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Oct 21, 2002
General Mayham is set to overtake us in July... Here is what I know... They are a kinda a rude forum. I didn't even see any forums on folding. (But they had made a forum on just babes (kinda like the babelishous thread in the community forum.))

They add a couple of users a day, and they have 160 active users.... They are a powerhouse. (Their stats page.

We will have to start producing alot more to compete... These guys may pass us.

We are still increasing apparently. We have fallen to 118 active users, but that 5000 point day doesn't seem to be a fluke. We have had two days with an excess of 4000 points. Good job team!

We will pass two teams this weekend!!!

Keep folding...


macrumors 604
Jul 4, 2001
1 Block away from NYC.
Luckily ABIT has calmed down a little and we aren't on their 'is going to be owned' list.

But General Mayhem is speeding us... I think they are going to catch us,


macrumors 6502a
Oct 5, 2002
Greenville, SC
I'm adding two computers in my lab soon. One when it gets here is a new 3 GHz HT P4. That should do some pretty quick. The other is just an old Dell (600 Mhz I think). Better than nothing though...and by the way. I'm about to break 1k pts. Woohoo.
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