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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 23, 2003

can anyone recommend a good cheap ethernet router? Im going to be connecting 3/4 computers, Mac's, Pc's and possibly a ps2 or xbox (last two aren't so important) to a telewest broadband connection. It doesn't have to include a modem as i think i get one with the connection. Its for a student house so cheapness is important! Any advice about where to shop would be good too. Also, is it possible to alter the firewalls on certain ports etc?



macrumors 6502a
Aug 17, 2003
Boston, MA
Re: Broadband routers

Originally posted by Splendid
Also, is it possible to alter the firewalls on certain ports etc?


Any of them will let you do this. I'd just go for the cheapest Netgear or Linksys router. COMPUSA has specials practically every other week where one of them will be on sale.


macrumors 6502
Feb 10, 2003
You can get the four port Linksys Broadband router at CDW for <$56.

It has a WAN port to connect to your broadband connection and then 4 10/100 Ethernet ports.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 27, 2002
Second Floor
I have a Belkin. Can't recommend it. Their support staff act like c*cks on the phone, and the download support is less than stellar.

Actually, I'm not even using the d*mn thing right now. They posted a software update, but it won't unpack with OSX. Gimme a freakin' break!

Anyone else had a stink with Belkin?


macrumors 6502a
Dec 12, 2002
San Francisco Area
Originally posted by mangoman
I have a Belkin. Can't recommend it. Their support staff act like c*cks on the phone, and the download support is less than stellar.

Actually, I'm not even using the d*mn thing right now. They posted a software update, but it won't unpack with OSX. Gimme a freakin' break!

Anyone else had a stink with Belkin?
Nope I went with a linksys and have had no problems


macrumors 65816
Aug 11, 2002
Charlotte, NC
I use a LinkSys at my office and a D-Link at home. The D-Link also has 802.11g built in. I got this in case I get a laptop in the near future. You should concider wireless if this is for students. The LinkSys setup page seems a bit more straight forward. But once they are set up you rarely have to change anything.


macrumors 6502
May 12, 2003
Oops, spoke too soon. Although I personally hate D-Link's products, you may want to check out this router instead. Or just bookmark that page and check it every so often... routers appear on there pretty frequently.


macrumors 6502
Jul 22, 2003
East Windsor, CT

look under "Computer Hardware -> Network Switches"

You can get a decent 8 port switch (10/100 per port) for very cheap. Starting around $24 including shipping.


They also sell routers (some with VPN) if you intend to setup some decent firewall stuff.



macrumors 604
Feb 7, 2002
dont worry about getting the router with the most ports. if you ever need more you can plug a hub into the router.



macrumors 6502
Jul 22, 2003
East Windsor, CT
Originally posted by iJon
dont worry about getting the router with the most ports. if you ever need more you can plug a hub into the router.

2 years ago when network hardware was pricey, yes. Now...

Besides, a hub shares it bandwidth, whereas a router or switch does not.

You can set up a very nice home network for very little money, even accounting for security (a must) and physical redundancy (if you wish).

You get what you pay for with networks... remember that.


macrumors 604
Feb 7, 2002
Originally posted by iPC
2 years ago when network hardware was pricey, yes. Now...

Besides, a hub shares it bandwidth, whereas a router or switch does not.

You can set up a very nice home network for very little money, even accounting for security (a must) and physical redundancy (if you wish).

You get what you pay for with networks... remember that.
well correct if im wrong, im gonna argue this for my own benefit, i took networking but the teacher was a joke and didnt teach anything. i thought pretty much the only difference between a router and hub is that a router will distrubte ip's you allow internet access and a hub doesnt. but if you plug a hub into a router it will distribute ip's through the hub. thats how my set up is. dsl modem --> airport extreme base station ---> hub plugged into wan port with 3 computer plugged into the hub.



macrumors 6502
May 12, 2003
Originally posted by iJon
well correct if im wrong, im gonna argue this for my own benefit, i took networking but the teacher was a joke and didnt teach anything. i thought pretty much the only difference between a router and hub is that a router will distrubte ip's you allow internet access and a hub doesnt. but if you plug a hub into a router it will distribute ip's through the hub. thats how my set up is. dsl modem --> airport extreme base station ---> hub plugged into wan port with 3 computer plugged into the hub.

Routers have a different job function from switches and hubs. As you said, routers perform functions like assigning IP addresses and sharing internet connections. Those jobs are seperate from the hardware that contains the actual ethernet ports and allows them to "talk" to the other ethernet ports. That is the job of a switch or hub.

The difference between a switch and a hub is this: a hub broadcasts data transmissions to ALL the ports, while a switch does point-to-point connections. Picture four computers hooked up to a hub. Two of them start transferring a file between each other. Now, the other two computers do the same thing. The network will slow down because the first pair must transfer some data, then stop to allow the other pair to transfer data, and so on. Not so efficient. A switch will set up direct channels so that the transfers do not interfere with each other. That's the only functional difference between a switch and a hub. That's what he meant by hubs sharing bandwidth, while switches (and routers with switches onboard) do not.


macrumors 68000
Jul 9, 2001
London, UK
You say you are on Telewest, so I am guessing you live in the north of the UK, if you do get your router from since they are the cheapest I have found. I got a wifi/router for £100 a few years ago, but now they can be got for around £50.


macrumors 68000
Nov 22, 2001
Re: Broadband routers

Originally posted by Splendid

can anyone recommend a good cheap ethernet router? Im going to be connecting 3/4 computers, Mac's, Pc's and possibly a ps2 or xbox (last two aren't so important) to a telewest broadband connection. It doesn't have to include a modem as i think i get one with the connection. Its for a student house so cheapness is important! Any advice about where to shop would be good too. Also, is it possible to alter the firewalls on certain ports etc?

I have set up quite a few networks now + have never had a problem with using either Linksys or Netgear. I would however, give the linksys the nod. Go to . Think you can get these 4 port routers for about £70-100.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 23, 2003
cheers everyone...
seems like linksys is the way to go. Im prob gonna get wired as this is cheaper, but out of interest if i went for a wireless what do you need for each individual computer to recieve the signal and how much does it cost. Sorry, im a complete novice and a dope with networking ;)

forgot to mention that im in the uk, but managed to find uk versions of the suggested shops/ thanks anyway.

one final thing, is it really that important to have a firewall. Im not using the osx one at the mo as i dont really understand the need for it.

thanks again...i appreciate the help


macrumors 68000
Nov 22, 2001
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