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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 10, 2015
Cheshire, UK
Maybe this is a fluke because my battery died on my Polar H10 and I wasn't expecting that but around the same time I updated to WatchOS 6.1.2.

Since replacing the battery I can get stats off the HRM but occasionally the thing will suddenly appear as a different and unpaired device on the watch.

i.e. it will show as Polar H10 <8 digit hex code> Connected and then the very same information underneath with Not Connected. I've deleted these ghost pairings and they seem to keep coming back.

Sound familiar to anyone?


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 10, 2015
Cheshire, UK
OK, things I tried first..

1. Closing WorkOutdoors using the task screen to ensure it wasn't holding onto some kind of device handle for the old pairing.
2. Getting rid of my custom activity screens on that app.
3. Resetting the Polar H10 HRM (take out battery, press the 2 contacts, wait 30 seconds, reinsert battery).
4. Removing ALL pairings from the watch and re-connecting.

Each time I would get 2 Polar H10's popping up and then it dawned on me that there might be a glitched system service that was holding a referece to the old one and making it come back up.

What I did then was to disconnect the Polar H10, remove the pairings from the Watch, restart the Watch itself, reconnect the Polar device an that fixed it!.
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