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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jun 26, 2005
Just got one, and a few questions/concerns:

About how long does it last? Is it okay to leave it on at all times or should I toggle the switch as often as possible?

Anyone notice some lag when typing in Word/Safari's address bar? As I type this thread I notice no lag, no lag in Adium either, and when I tested it at the reseller it worked brilliantly with the address bar (albeit this was with a 24" iMac, mine is a G5 1.8). The lag seems to minimize the more I use it. Is that normal?


mad jew

Moderator emeritus
Apr 3, 2004
Adelaide, Australia
I don't get much lag (except in Word, but that's the app and not the keyboard). My rechargeable batteries last about two or three months (used to be three, now it's down to two). I turn it off at night or when I'm not using it for more than about six hours. :)


macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jun 26, 2005
Are you sure it's not the keyboard? Because I get much faster response in Word with a wired keyboard...

Is there any way to optimize the speed/connection? It's not like I'm far away from the iMac (with a 17" screen you can't afford to be very far away :() I just bought this to free up some USB ports and make my desk tidier.

Irish Dave

macrumors regular
Nov 20, 2006
The Emerald Isle
I don't get much lag (except in Word, but that's the app and not the keyboard). My rechargeable batteries last about two or three months (used to be three, now it's down to two). I turn it off at night or when I'm not using it for more than about six hours. :)

I too get about 10 - 12 weeks, although I don't turn my keyboard off at all.

I have found a very short lag in Word, but no lag when using Appleworks or when typing emails etc. etc.

Dave :)

mad jew

Moderator emeritus
Apr 3, 2004
Adelaide, Australia
For me, I'm sure it's Word. The response is fine in other apps and my wired keyboard experiences the same lag. However, check that you don't have any other wireless devices nearby that may be interfering with the reception. :)


macrumors 6502
Apr 22, 2005
I want to get a BT keyboard.
But worry about the lag.

I'm not a hardcore gamer, possibly classified as a casual gamer.
Current games include: NWN, Warcraft III, AoE III, Battefront and on the odd occassion UT2004.

Will game performance suffer with a BT keyboard?

Irish Dave

macrumors regular
Nov 20, 2006
The Emerald Isle
I want to get a BT keyboard.
But worry about the lag.

I'm not a hardcore gamer, possibly classified as a casual gamer.
Current games include: NWN, Warcraft III, AoE III, Battefront and on the odd occassion UT2004.

Will game performance suffer with a BT keyboard?

Sorry don't know, I don't play games ...........

Dave :confused:


macrumors 6502
Apr 22, 2005
OK, got my BT Keyboard.

And its fabulous.
I hav en't actually noticed any lag on it at all.

I fired up SW battlefront - and it seemed to work perfectly.
There could have been a bit of lag, but not that I noticed.

I am very happy with it.

Next: an icurve to complete my steup.
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