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Original poster
Jan 18, 2005
I really don't get this and it's getting quite worrying. I have a deadline in 2 weeks and I need to work on my project in XP. Normally if XP loses my BT Apple Keyboard I simply toggle the power and it's back on, tapping Caps Lock to see if it makes a connection.

Only now it won't be seen in Windows XP and worse still - the boot up. I can only enter the select drive menu on bootup by holding Menu on the Apple Remote. I cannot load up the XP install disc as it says "press any key to enter the installation", wait 5 seconds and it's booting XP back up again.

BT mouse is fine. BT phone is fine. BT Wii controller is fine. Just the keyboard. Battery life is around 50% (I could be more specific if the menu in OSX hadn't locked up). I'm running an iMac C2D, 17" if it's any help.

Really need to get this working ASAP :( Going to jump onto my PowerBook to keep an eye on this thread. God knows whats up with my iMac and the keyboard.

One question... Is there anyway to "reset" the keyboard. I've taken the batteries out and left it alone for 30 seconds in some desperate hope to wipe it's internal memory... if it has one?


Moderator emeritus
Jan 9, 2004
Grand Rapids, MI, USA
If you're having problems that early in boot, this problem is most likely either in the firmware of the kb or in the firmware of the Mac


1) Flash the firmware on the keyboard.

2) Reset all the NVRAM/PRAM/PMU/SMC/whatevah on the Mac.

3) If those don't work, and it's feasible, try new, fully charged batteries... occasionally people have reported BT hardware apparently having adequate charge but acting oddly because of weak batteries.


Original poster
Jan 18, 2005
Well I did nothing different, but it's now working. I gave up and left the Mac alone in OSX after a failed Installing XP attempt and now it works. *shrugs*. I'll flash the keyboard f/w though just to be safe.
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