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macrumors 601
Original poster
Mar 12, 2002
BrisVegas, Australia

BuddyPop lets you quickly access your Apple Address Book via a customizeable shortcut.
It's a small, light and discrete application, has no Dock icon and it is easily and constantly accessible.
With BuddyPop you can quickly find a contact, and drop them a mail, or copy the address to the clipboard.
Screenshots are available in the documentation page

BuddyPop is shareware and costs €7; I've spent a lot of time working on it, so it's not expensive...
Comments and suggestions are welcome :

this is one sweet app i just found out about. aside from giving you quick access to your Address Book, you can make calls via your cell phone - from your Mac! :D

it works by connecting to your phone via Bluetooth, so it's only going to work if you've got a Bluetooth phone, and a Bluetooth enabled Mac.

i've been trying to get it to work with my Bluetooth hands-free kit, but it doesn't want to play nice. :( when i connect my headset to the phone, that's okay. but then when i turn on Bluetooth on my Mac and try to make a call via BuddyPop, it kicks off the headset connection and just dials normally through the phone? does anyone know if Bluetooth can have more than one connected device? perhaps that's the problem...

but it's still a neat app. :)

oh, and the screenshots of it in action:



very similar to QS, so i guess this is good for QuickSilver fans. although... could this same thing be accomplished with a QS plug-in? i mean this is a great app, but i'm all for having one app to do it all and clearing out clutter on my HD...
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