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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 18, 2001
well with the apple pro desktop coming out I have to make a decision. Ok i have a 233 G3 and its slowly dieing from all the stress ive put on it so soon i expect to upgrade. Now what i would like to know is when you guys think I should buy. Choice 1 buy the new G4 (probably the midrange). Choice 2 buy the G5 (scheduled for MWNY 02' release at the latest). And last Choice 3 buy the Rev. 2 G5 (cuz you never should buy rev 1s). So this is what i have to decide and comments would be helpful.


macrumors 68020
Jan 6, 2002
Buy a G4 that's released at MWSF. Otherwise you could be waiting a very long time for the second revision of the G5.

Think about the time you will save. If you buy a G4 in a weeks time, you will be saving time from then on. If you wait for a rev 2 G5, you'll be stuck with a 233 G3 for the next 2 years (ish).


macrumors newbie
Nov 13, 2001
Hey dude,

I'm in the same situation as you...I was this close to buying an 800 DP G4, but I'm gonna wait for the midrange (1.4 GhZ G4) announced tomorrow. It will most likley offer DDRAM (which is almost twice as fast as the current), faster bus, larger hardrive, SuperDrive II (?? on features) and gigawire (1000 baseT). Plus it might even be cheaper than the DP is today, so enough to get the 17" LCD. Let me know what you decied, I'm curious since Im in the same sit.



macrumors 68000
Nov 22, 2001
Originally posted by Bophonic
Hey dude,

I'm in the same situation as you...I was this close to buying an 800 DP G4, but I'm gonna wait for the midrange (1.4 GhZ G4) announced tomorrow. It will most likley offer DDRAM (which is almost twice as fast as the current), faster bus, larger hardrive, SuperDrive II (?? on features) and gigawire (1000 baseT). Plus it might even be cheaper than the DP is today, so enough to get the 17" LCD. Let me know what you decied, I'm curious since Im in the same sit.


I need a new G4 as well!! However, I dont believe we shall see the speed bumps you are talking about (maybe up to 1.2Ghz). What to do??


macrumors 68020
Jan 6, 2002
Yeah, I want a new mac as well. Unfortunately, I'm a uni student and I have pretty much jack in the bank (and because I'm in Australia, that is about jack/2 in USD :))



macrumors 68000
Nov 22, 2001
I have the same problem with not having any money! (Uni student + money dont go well together!!)


I don't need a G4 nor do i have the money for a G4. but i will still get a G4 :)


macrumors 68040
Oct 28, 2001
San Luis Obispo, CA

Should I wait for a G5?? Or should I get a Ultra-G4. I would wait until next MWSF to get a new computer, so what are your guys's 2-cents?


macrumors 68000
Nov 22, 2001
To be honest I think the imac offers better value for money!! However, if like me you are power hungry and want the 933Mhz tower well what can I say?? Geforce 4 and all that.

I only have one BIG complaint against apple!! Why couldn't they offer a DVD\CDRW option to the two top end towers??? Would not be hard + would have ensured them another sale from me. Now, I dont know what to do, because I cant really afford the 933 with superdrive (something I wont use)!!


macrumors god
Staff member
Apr 9, 2001
Originally posted by spuncan
well with the apple pro desktop coming out I have to make a decision. Ok i have a 233 G3 and its slowly dieing from all the stress ive put on it so soon i expect to upgrade. Now what i would like to know is when you guys think I should buy. Choice 1 buy the new G4 (probably the midrange). Choice 2 buy the G5 (scheduled for MWNY 02' release at the latest). And last Choice 3 buy the Rev. 2 G5 (cuz you never should buy rev 1s). So this is what i have to decide and comments would be helpful.

G5's probably won't be out until MWSF '03 from realistic expectations...



macrumors 68030
Jan 9, 2002
Ha ha haaa!
Originally posted by Bophonic
Hey dude,

I'm in the same situation as you...I was this close to buying an 800 DP G4, but I'm gonna wait for the midrange (1.4 GhZ G4) announced tomorrow. It will most likley offer DDRAM (which is almost twice as fast as the current), faster bus, larger hardrive, SuperDrive II (?? on features) and gigawire (1000 baseT). Plus it might even be cheaper than the DP is today, so enough to get the 17" LCD. Let me know what you decied, I'm curious since Im in the same sit.


By "tomorrow" I'm assuming you were being facetious...


macrumors regular
Jan 1, 2002
california, usa
isn't the 233 from 1997?

...then go for the current g4 but don't expect a computer these days to stay current for over four years because the field is moving much too fast and increasing its pace all the time

a g5 will come out but with the current g4s with some headroom to grow over a ghz, it may be a long time before you see a revision 2 next year at the earliest

when i got my ibook in 99, its three gig hard drive and g3 mobile processor just cooked my 185 mhz 604e desktop with a 2 gig hard drive

now the ibook is over two years old, won't run os x fast enough, can't fit much on its hd, and at best, has a year left in its bones unless all i want to do is email, surf, and word processing

...where in that case i could keep it until the lcd loses all its pixels or the third party makers stop making the battery or power supply which is a possibility due to the fact that apple has that insecure five percent market share


macrumors regular
Jan 6, 2002
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
I believe it was arn who posted a link to an article confirming that the new G4's have Apollo in tthem, and that a rep from motorolla said they are "far from being topped out" or something along those lines.. It sounds like G4 will still be out for awhile longer and G5 may not even come out at the summer expo. These new models are so tempting...:D


macrumors member
Jan 18, 2002
washington dc
i think it depends on what you want to do with it...

i just saw on a 733 quicksilver for only 1200...that's a sweet deal (3500 in Jan 01 with the blue face)...unless you're doing hardcore dv editing or dvd publishing, you could even consider that, especially if you have a decent display you want hooked up...
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