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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 23, 2014
I’ve not purchased an phone using Apple’s App Store app before, but it seems to be able to see the two phones (mine and my wife’s).

If I order one for her and for myself through the app will the phones arrive with our numbers already pre-programmed? We will be trading in our XS and XS Maxes to get the special


macrumors 65816
Nov 14, 2012
If you put in your carrier information, then the phones will arrive with your numbers and everything already set up.

However, in the past Apple has only allowed one phone per order, so you will need to complete the order for one phone, then order the second phone as a second order. If you are planning on doing this at 5AM PST on friday to try to get launch day phones then you and your wife might want to each order your own phone at the same time as it’s possible that if demand is high by the time you order the first phone the second one may no longer have availability.


macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 23, 2014
Thanks for the tips! She’ll be at work but I’ll have both of our iPads up and ready to go


macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 23, 2014
Will the trade ins go through ATT or can we trade in at the Apple store?

The last time I went for a launch day phone was the iphone 4 so haven’t done this in a long time


macrumors 601
Oct 26, 2010
I have a general question, if you sign up for the apple monthly payment, do you have to wait to do that until order day this Friday? seems that way..
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