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Original poster
Feb 18, 2006
Hong Kong
Hi all,

Haven't posted on here for a while, but here goes...

I want to run C&C3 on Macbooks (running Windows XP). We will be playing them on a LAN with several Macbooks, which is why I will be using Boot Camp. (Networking of any kind is not fun on macs in my experience)...

Anyway, the Macbook specs are: 2,16Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo, 1GB RAM, 64MB GMA950. Can my poor graphics power handle the game on lowest settings?



macrumors member
Jul 5, 2007
Well without trying this my self I can not confirm it but some people have been able to get it working on low to lowest graphic settings on XP. Don't ever try with the Cider version It just doesn't support the GMA950 (Lets just says it's not the best card in the world. however if you look back a bit in the forum you should fin some helpful info on other threads. But if it is High quality graphics and and 8 player super match you are looking for I would go with a imac, MBP or Mac pro


macrumors regular
Jan 21, 2007
Apparently it is not supposed to work, according to the requirements and to what EA has said, however very few people said they have been able to get it to run on their MBP. It is up to you to spend the money and see if it will work.


macrumors newbie
Jun 15, 2007
Can confirm that it works :) and not shabby fps either lol just turn the settings down the min besides shaders got to be on medium, search the forums i posted some screenshots in a previous thread. networking should be fine on bootcamp, can even network over the internet if u get Harmichi too ;)
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