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Original poster
Jun 24, 2020
I'm trying to check app sizes by going "iPhone Storage"
There "Calculating category sizes" blinks forever.
Checking the app list, scrolling to the bottom, I noticed that the green "Phone" app icon never stops searching, rolling and rolling, forever.
Its "Document and data" size is -311 kb.
How can I fix this? Asking because I wonder if this unending search will run in the background draining power.

YES, I've tried to restart the phone AND it isn't jailbreaked, and never will it be.
Thank you!


Original poster
Jun 24, 2020
The bar showing sizes of Apps, System and Other didn't work either. It was like this all the day. I just uninstalled some arbitrary apps, and suddenly it works again. The Phone app shows size 25kb, not -311kb as before. Have no glue what happened, and what fixed it.

Edit: Also noticed that _Settings_ had very high battery usage, 35 %. Something was wrong, seems to be ok now.
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